Beginner's Guide To Getting And Staying Sober

An exciting way of getting away from alcohol and starting on the journey of the best version of yourself

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Beginner's Guide To Getting And Staying Sober

What You Will Learn!

  • Stop the flow of the alcohol
  • Basic understanding of habit unplugging
  • Developing a sober mindset and beyond-sober mindset
  • Long term mindsets to unplug from the alcohol habit


The Beginner’s Guide To Stopping Drinking Alcohol" by HabitsV2 is an innovative course designed to redefine the approach to overcoming alcohol dependence. Instead of focusing solely on alcohol as the problem, the course encourages a deeper examination of the underlying behaviors and thought patterns that lead to alcohol use. The premise is simple yet profound: alcohol itself is inert and only becomes a problem through the active decision to consume it. This perspective shifts the focus from the substance to the individual's actions and decisions.

The course challenges conventional wisdom in addiction treatment, like that espoused by Alcoholics Anonymous and similar organizations, which often emphasize admitting alcohol as the central problem. Instead, it posits that such an approach may overlook the fundamental issue – the behaviors and choices surrounding alcohol consumption. The analogy with speeding (is the car or the behavior the problem?) and overeating (is the pizza or the eating habit to blame?) illustrates this point.

This redefinition of the problem has significant implications for treatment. If the problem is perceived as the alcohol, efforts may be misdirected toward merely removing alcohol, neglecting the vital aspect of changing the thought processes and behaviors that lead to drinking. This course aims to alter these underlying patterns, thereby addressing not just the issue of drinking, but also other related problems.

The course offers a holistic approach, emphasizing immediate goals like stopping drinking, and long-term objectives like living a better life and transforming oneself. It focuses on the importance of choosing values and principles to guide this transformation, leading to a fulfilling life not just for the individual but also positively impacting those around them. The creator, Kevin, shares his personal journey and how he built a life he no longer wants to escape, finding contentment and happiness.

Participants receive access to videos, summary documents, and practical to-do lists to aid in their journey. The ultimate goal is not just to stop drinking, but to embark on a path of processing life in healthier ways, thereby achieving the best possible life.

Who Should Attend!

  • Any person who wants to stop drinking alcohol, either permanently or to try temporarily




