BJT transistors Bias circuits , DC analysis and design .

DC analysis of circuits with BJT transistors

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BJT transistors Bias circuits , DC  analysis and design .

What You Will Learn!

  • Analysis and design of circuits with Bipolar Junction Transistor ( BJT)
  • Biasing circuits with multi- BJT transistors
  • Solve and analysis Circuits with multi BJT transistors
  • doing analysis of Darlington Amplifier .
  • Analyze BJT circuit with Collector Feedback
  • Analyze of BJT transistor circuit as a switch, transistor at saturation and cut-off, resistance of transistor at saturation and cut-off.


     Industrial Technology Education prepares today’s youth for the technological society in which we live. The study of technology provides important concepts and skills that will help the students become lifelong learners. Technological concepts and skills are explored by the students through the processes and systems of: research, observation, application, and testing. The students investigate concepts and principles of technology with the direct integration of mathematics, reading, writing, and ethics. Management skills, teamwork, and cooperation in conjunction with career exploration are essential components to the successful completion of the course. Course Description The electronics course is designed to provide an opportunity to develop a basic background or career related skill in electricity or electronics. The students will explore the use of test instruments to verify and analyze electronic circuits. Students will learn how electronic circuits are designed and used in home, work, and leisure activities. Students will also apply concepts through projects and activities in conjunction with designing and testing various electronic circuits. Specifically, a student shall demonstrate an understanding of Basic:                                                                                                                                                         1. Electrical Theory.                                                                                                                                 2. Electrical Sources.                                                                                                                            3. Electrical Measuring Instruments.                                                                                                 4. Electrical Tools.                                                                                                                                  5. Electrical Materials.                                                                                                                          6. Electrical Circuits.                                                                                                                                  7. Electrical Applications and Testing .

The next course will be about the ac analysis of BJT transistors .

Who Should Attend!

  • students at departments of Electrical Engineering , Electronic , Communications engineering
  • electrical power engineering ,
  • Robotics and automatic control Engineering
  • Computer engineering




