Boring and repetitive trading Strategy but it's profitable

Leanr how to day trade futures like a pro

Ratings 4.50 / 5.00
Boring and repetitive trading Strategy but it's profitable

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn how to day trade futures like a pro
  • Adopt a profitable day trading strategy
  • Identify what is not working
  • A complete day trading strategy that you can start working with from tommorow


Welcome in this Boring and repetitive course

Yes this is really repetitive we will go through more than 150 real life example its gonna be repetitve but if you make it to the end you will not regret it i hope

This course is for intemediate, i am helping you to close the gap and add another brick toward a really profitable trader

you will learn a profitable complete strategy if you wanna take and trade with it you can, or if you take just some insight from this course and integrate it into your system, that will work too

This course you will learn how to think of trading as a system and let go of a lot of bad habits and beliefs that dont serve you

You will learn how to trade with support and resistance

The holy grail inicators ( hints : vwap and volume )

This course is really basic and simple, but i made sure making it to keep it pratical and more essentially that gonna make you more profitable

This course is for you if : you are trading futures or stocks, you intermediate, you are willing after watching this course to go and PRACTICE a lot

That being said, go watch the introduction its for free and i will see in class

Who Should Attend!

  • this course is for intermediate




