Infant Massage and Cranial Sacral Therapy

To Help Babies Breastfeed Better and Soothe Fussy Babies

Ratings 4.22 / 5.00
Infant Massage and Cranial Sacral Therapy

What You Will Learn!

  • You will be able to assess an infant for muscle and joint problems that is causing potential issues when breastfeeding
  • You will be able to use baby massage techniques to the baby breastfeed better
  • You will learn cranial sacral techniques for the baby to help release tension and calm a fussy baby


Instructed by Dr. Darlene Buan-Basit, a licensed chiropractor, trained in advanced massage techniques and cranial sacral therapy will teach and demonstrate the techniques she uses when working with babies. Before showing the techniques, Dr. Buan-Basit will discuss biomechanics of babies in breastfeeding positions, and how to assess for problems in the baby when positioning. These massage and cranial sacral therapy techniques are helpful to help for infants to help them breastfeed more efficiently and peacefully.  This is important for babies that are suspected to have a tongue-tie, and may be used as a tool to help babies before and after the tongue-tie release.

Who Should Attend!

  • Any health professional who works with babies: Massage therapist Chiropractors, Lactation Consultants, Doulas, Midwives
  • Any parent, grandparent or family member who want to help improve breastfeeding or fussy babies
  • Any parent or professional working with tongue tie babies
  • Any parent or professional working with fussy babies, babies with colic, babies with reflux



  • Early Childhood Education
  • Massage






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