Learn how to use breath for self-healing and balance for yourself and others.
Discover 8 relaxation breathing techniques for stress reduction and physical well-being. With interactive content, breathwork resources, and instructor-led breathwork practices, you can implement these eight breathwork techniques into your daily life easily — or learn how to instruct others!
Your course includes:
Why Breathe? Understanding Breath & Benefits
History of Breathwork
Breathwork Safety
8 Beginner Breathwork Types
Breakdown of Each Type
Integration of Each Type
Recommended Breathwork Resources
Conducting a Breathwork Session
Course Completion and Certificate
This course aims to provide students with a foundational understanding of relaxation breathwork techniques and a range of practices that can be used to improve physical and mental well-being.
What you’ll learn
Learn 8 basic breathing practices for yourself or your breathwork practice.
Explore basic activating and relaxing breathwork and its purposes and benefits.
Understand the many benefits of breathwork.
Learn breathwork safety techniques to use in your practice.
Facilitator training and tips for conducting breathwork sessions.
Get recommended breathwork resources.
Integrate your breathwork practice with guided sessions.
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
Understand the basics of the human body.
Understand the basics of breathing through the diaphragm.
The ability to have an open mind and heart for learning a new practice.
The goal to teach breathwork to yourself and others.
Who this course is for:
Individuals seeking to learn basic breathwork techniques.
Individuals looking to learn beginner breathwork techniques to teach others.
Individuals wanting to heal through the power of breathwork.
Individuals seeking to connect their mind, body, and soul through the power of breath.
Those looking to level up their breathwork game!