Build a Multichain Web3 DAPP in Angular using WAGMI

Learn how to build a Multichain Web3 DAPP that works on any EVM Compatible Chain using Angular with WAGMI & WalletModal

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Build a Multichain Web3 DAPP in Angular using WAGMI

What You Will Learn!

  • Master Solidity Smart Contract Development
  • Connect to EVM Compatible wallets from Angular Applications( DAPP)
  • Deploy Smart contracts to the blockchain and test locally using Hardhat
  • Interact with Smart Contracts that are deployed onchain from Angular Applications using WAGMI/VIEM


Become an Angular Web3 developer and learn how to Join other Web3 developers earning $100k and above in 2023

This is a very comprehensive, straight forward course for Angular developers who want to learn how to build web3 DAPPs.

Intended for developers with a basic understanding of Angular and an interest in decentralized applications (dApps), this course is designed for existing Angular developers seeking to expand their skill set into the world of blockchain technology. If you're familiar with front-end development using Angular and eager to explore the realm of web3, this course is tailored to propel your knowledge further.

With over 7 hours of video, this course is an ideal fit for those eager to deepen their expertise in blockchain technology while leveraging Angular's power for robust dApp development.

This course covers a variety of topics including

  • Solidity Basics

  • Hardhat setup

  • Introduction to WAGMI/Web3Modal

  • Connecting to Wallets from Angular

  • Reading from the Blockchain

  • Writing to the Blockchain

  • Interactions with Smart Contracts

  • How to enable transfer from one wallet to another

  • Build a complete NFT Auction Smart Contract and DAPP in Angular

Ultimately, this course is aimed at developers seeking to broaden their proficiency by combining Angular expertise with blockchain technology, setting the stage for pioneering decentralized application development and participation in the rapidly evolving blockchain ecosystem

Who Should Attend!

  • For Angular developers keen to explore blockchain technology, this course offers a good pathway. Ideal for those with a basic understanding of Angular and an interest in building decentralized applications (dApps), it focuses on mastering Solidity, Web3Modal integration, Wallet Connect, and tools like Wagmi Core and Hardhat. This course primes you for crafting robust dApps in the ever-evolving blockchain landscape




