Build an LED Blinking Robot while you Learn how to read electronic schematics, identify and test electronics components such as resistors, transistors, LED, capacitors, power supply and more.
If you have always wanted to build an LED based robot, this course is for you.
This courses is not about a mobile robot, but instead an animated Light Emitting Diode based robot.
You will learn and practice skills using basic electronics fabrication equipment, as well as identifying electronics parts and components, as well as basic circuit breadboarding and prototyping.
Assemble, solder and test a blinking robot. Fabricate a static or non mobile robot while you put into practice testing components and solder those parts onto an electronic circuit board. Plus you will also learn how to reverse engineer and electronic system and test a prototype on a temporary circuit board.
This course will teach you step-by-step how to start from electronic circuits schematic to component identification, assemble, installation and testing. Gain valuable skills in electronics assemble while you put together your own LED blinking robot using electronic parts and components.
This course wraps-up showing important techniques on reverse engineering a circuits where you will learn to create your own inexpensive version of an expensive and sophisticated electronic circuit.