Build Unbreakable Self Worth and Self Esteem

Develop Unshakable Confidence and Take Back Control of Your Life in Just 30-Days

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Build Unbreakable Self Worth and Self Esteem

What You Will Learn!

  • Reprogram and integrate new beliefs, habits, and behaviours
  • Feel truly in your own power and know your own worth
  • Develop an unshakable confidence that can't be rocked by anyone or anything
  • Be able to stop trying to prove yourself to others, embrace your uniqueness and show the REAL YOU to the world
  • Learn how to shift from being a people pleaser and start putting yourself first, guilt-free
  • Escape the cycle of self-doubt, worry, and powerlessness that you are stuck in and feeling in love with yourself and life
  • Understand the root cause of why you lack self worth, and release limiting beliefs that hold you back from being your most confident self
  • To be unapologetically YOU: When you have nothing to prove to yourself or others, you are free to be your truest self
  • Unlock FREEDOM on all levels: Imagine being free from your negative thought patterns, nagging doubt, and crippling fear.
  • Courageously going after your dreams


30-days to feeling empowered and living as a full expression of yourself with Sarah Kelt, YOUR Rapid Transformational Therapy Coach. Empower Yourself and Transform Your Insecurities Into Courage & Confidence In Just 20 Minutes A Day.

  • Do you often feel like you are not good enough no matter how hard you try?

  • Do you find yourself in a constant loop of comparison to others and harsh self-criticism?

  • Are you exhausted of trying to please others to feel accepted and loved?

  • Do you struggle with debilitating self-doubt and powerlessness?

  • Are you afraid to show the real you to the world?

  • I’m guessing you’ve struggled with gaining control of your thoughts and falling victim to your mind’s overly harsh self-judgment, right?

  • ​I bet you are sick and tired of feeling overwhelmed and, despite great effort on your part, lack the skills necessary to develop the confidence needed to take back control of your life?

  • You long to be unstoppable and be unapologetically YOU, without worrying about what others think of you, right?

  • You desire to have the unshakeable confidence needed to go after your dreams, stop playing small and genuinely feel how amazing you are… am I close?

Does any of this sound familiar?

Well, I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be this way… and you deserve to feel good, to be comfortable in your skin, and to live your life with Boundless Confidence.

I have been where you are now...

It's Time To Get Your Hands On:

  • The only way to remove low self-worth for good, for real, and forever

  • Exactly how to get to the core of what is holding you back and remove it, even if you are confused about why you just can't be yourself without fear

  • TODAY - how we build true self-worth today, not gradually, not in a month but today

  • The holistic and empowering approach to generate the health, relationships, and life you want, free from fear or rejection

  • A proven system that has others getting 100% results and changing their lives simply because they decided to choose themselves for a change​​

  • How to eliminate your harsh self-talk and be fully in control of your mind, instead of it ruling you

  • The best possible support and accountability from those who fully understand you and support you every step

  • Why traditional therapy methods don’t work and can make you feel worse about yourself

  • How to design who you are becoming and a new vision for your lifethat you will love, when ditching the old you

  • How to let go of the hiding, secrecy, and masks you are wearing with ease

  • Say goodbye to feeling anxious and build true self-acceptance

  • Why it’s ok for you to really have the life you truly want and have a picture of exactly what that looks like

  • How to see, feel, and believe that all of this is possible and fast​

​Hi,I'm Sarah Kelt...

I have created a movement for Soul Searchers & Freedom Seekers, and we are on a mission to spread unshakable confidence and teach others how to take back control of their lives in just 30 days by rewiring your brain and subconscious mind.

You're probably wondering: "Who am I and how can I make these claims?"

I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist and an Advanced Rapid Transformational Therapist, and…

I have been where you are now.

I grew up in New Zealand, and after living for 22 years in London and Dubai, I decided it was time for a change as I was burnt out, experiencing crippling anxiety with bouts of depression, and wasn't enjoying my life, which seemingly looked "perfect" from the outside.

​My professional background in Investment Banking and Finance taught me a lot, especially the hard lessons of not living a life of balance or mindfulness and not stopping to take the time to truly enjoy the journey, especially with those I loved.

It was all about hustle, striving, pressure, comparison, judgement, and never being good enough!

Which, as I know now, does not serve us in the long term.

After a truly transformative year and a half living in Bali, I returned home to New Zealand with my children. Since hitting my lowest point, I have been deeply committed to my own personal journey of self-discovery and growth. In the process, I have tried many different healing modalities, spent hours upon hours learning about and understanding the mind (conscious and subconscious), taken personal growth and leadership courses, and participated in numerous meditation, mindfulness, and breathwork practices and programs, and of course, the truly phenomenal Rapid Transformational Therapy training.

I've created this self-led online course for those of you looking for a truly empowering program that will be easy, fast, and effective to overcome self-doubt and insecurities and step into your most confident version. You will follow exactly in my footsteps as I take you on a life-changing journey to Authentic Self-Worth & Confidence That Is Real.

Inside you will find all of my proven techniques and methodologies to help you build up your self-esteem and courageously create your desired life — exactly what I have used over thousands of hours with hundreds of clients to help you unleash self-harshness and fear and have you living confidently, which will have a butterfly effect on so many areas of your life. And remember... CONFIDENCE IS YOUR BIRTHRIGHT.

I have worked with over 1000 clients who have had success using this exact process and life-changing results in just 30 days.

If you are ready to take matters into your own hands & develop unshakable confidence in 30 days then I am here for you...

The 30-day Unshakeable Confidence Challenge is designed to work with your subconscious mind and get to the root cause of your insecurities, fears, and doubts — and eradicate them for good.

Through Rapid Transformational Therapy and simple yet powerful teachings of the mind, you will:

Reprogram and integrate new beliefs, habits, and behaviours

Feel truly in your own power and know your own worth

Develop an unshakable confidence that can't be rocked by anyone or anything

Be able to show the REAL YOU to the world.

You will also learn simple yet extremely effective tools to integrate into your daily life on a conscious level.

Tools that support you to:

Feel energised in a body you love

Find your inner peace & release old patterns

Ensure your nervous system stays regulated, so you feel in charge of your life

Rise above any challenges, no matter the circumstances

Rapid Transformational Therapy is therapy on steroids. It involves a combination of psychotherapy, CBT, NLP, regression therapy, inner child work, and emotional wound healing to help you understand and let go of what is causing your insecurities, doubts, and fears. It is fast & easy, and you will become the master of your own mind.

RTT combined with a deeper understanding of your conscious internal dialogue and behaviours gives you unshakeable confidence. Furthermore, the tools I teach you allow you to release and let go of stress, trauma, and wounds that we hold in our bodies.

All of this means you walk away with tools for life and authentic confidence built from the inside that shows up in your outside world.

​What's inside this program:

? 6 Modules to watch at your own pace

? Powerful and safe hypnosis audios from the comfort of your home

? Practical toolbox for unshakable confidence that you can use for the rest of your life

? Teaching videos to understand the power of your mind and how to make it work for you

? A breathwork journey to release the physical strain that self-doubt has caused

Who Should Attend!

  • This program is for anyone who struggles with insecurities, fear, low self-esteem or simply wants to let go of unhealthy beliefs, habits and behaviours and shift to being in an empowered confident state. If you are looking for an effective, easy and fast way to have unshakable confidence, feel in charge of your life and return to your true self, this program is perfect for you. It's designed to work with your mind on a subconscious level and uses Rapid Transformational Therapy as well as conscious mindset tools and strategies, which, when combined are proven to be highly effective.




