Building Relationships

Scaling Culture Masterclass: Module 3

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Building Relationships

What You Will Learn!

  • The foundation of all relationships
  • Strategies to build and maintain relationships
  • How to prepare for a meeting or touch conversation
  • Key roadblocks that will detract from you building relationships with someone
  • Relationship Do’s and Don’ts
  • How to scale relationships building across the organization


“Building Relationships” is Module 3 of the Scaling Culture Masterclass that consists of 8 Modules.

Investing time and intention into your relationships with your team is an essential part of growing a healthy culture and running your company well. You can't accomplish anything in your business until you form a relationship with your people. You can't manage people; you can't coach; you can't lead. Your relationships are base camp for everything you want to accomplish in your company.

  • Do you strongly believe your team feels comfortable coming to you when they have an issue, personally or professionally?

  • Is your team equipped with the tools to build trust with one another?

  • Are they equipped with communication tools that allow them to strengthen their relationships vs. drive wedges in them when challenges arise?

Leaders should ask themselves those questions consistently.

"Building Relationships" is a framework designed to show you exactly:

  • The foundation of all relationships

  • Strategies to build and maintain relationships

  • How to prepare for a meeting or touch conversation

  • Key roadblocks that will detract from you building relationships with someone

  • Relationship Do’s and Don’ts

  • How to scale relationships building across the organization

Throughout the course, you’ll discover best practices you can implement immediately. Each step in the framework is tangible, actionable, and has relatable stories, exercises, and leadership tips.

To learn more about the other modules of the Scaling Culture Masterclass, please go to Ron Lovett’s page on Udemy.

Who Should Attend!

  • Company Owners & Founders
  • C-Suite
  • Team Leaders and Managers
  • Frontline Employees
  • HR and People & Culture Professionals
  • Consultants
  • Students



  • Company Culture






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