Business Impact of Digital Transformation Technologies

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Business Impact of Digital Transformation Technologies

What You Will Learn!

  • Business impact of digital transformation technologies
  • New ways of connecting and interacting with customers
  • Digital maturity assessment and internal operations
  • Digital leadership and corporate culture


The main objective of this course is to introduce you to the latest emerging technologies such as IoT, AI, Automation, Data analytics, Blockchain and gamification and understand how these technologies impact the different business areas. 

Though the digital transformation is at its early adoption, it is constantly changing the world we live in at a rapid pace. Now is the right time to understand its business implications and get ready to start or transform your business.

This course is mainly intended for beginners who have very little or no knowledge about Digital Transformation. It will give you an overview of how the digital transformation technologies are impacting your industry or business. 

Section 1 covers the fundamentals of digital transformation.

Section 2 talks about the new ways of engaging and interacting with your customers

Section 3 includes how internal operations in your firm are impacted by digital transformation. It also includes the digital maturity assessment which determines the digital readiness of your firm.

Sections 4 to 7 contain the business impact of digital transformation technologies such as AI, IoT, Data Analytics, Blockchain, Automation and Gamification.

Section 8 explains the cultural transformation required as a foundation to digital transformation at your firm. It also covers the paradoxical and 4D model of digital leadership.

Remember-Digital is the future and Digital is happening now…!

Check out my book- Digital Strategy Framework: A practical guide for business incumbents

Who Should Attend!

  • Working professionals aspiring to develop digital business skills



  • Digital Transformation






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