Business Process Outsourcing

Business Process Outsourcing is the contracting of a specific business task, such as customer service, to a third-party.

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Business Process Outsourcing

What You Will Learn!

  • Explain What is Business Process Outsourcing
  • Explain the Need for Business Process Outsourcing
  • Describe the Drivers of the BPO Phenomenon
  • Explain the Elements to Consider to Outsource a Business Process
  • Describe the Factors to Consider for Selecting BPO Partner
  • Explain How to Thrive in Competitive BPO Market
  • Describe the Effect of BPO on the Workforce
  • Describe the Effect of Domestic Politics on BPO
  • Explain What is meant by Reverse Outsourcing
  • List the Performance Criteria of a BPO Business
  • Explain the Steps for Measuring Performance of BPO Business
  • Explain the Benefits of BPO to the Target Countries
  • Explain the Disadvantages of the BPO Phenomenon
  • Explain Relevance of Time Management in BPO Management
  • List the Tips for Efficient BPO Management


Best suited for those organizations which face roller coaster of challenges while outsourcing the work to third-party vendors and also for third-party vendors who get work from such organizations. The course aims at educating the reader on areas like Need for Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), Drivers of the BPO Phenomenon, Elements to Consider to Outsource a Business Process, Effect of Domestic Politics on BPO, Steps for Measuring Performance of BPO Business, Disadvantages of the BPO Phenomenon, Tips for Efficient BPO Management, etc.

The introduction part describes why and how Magnacom Electronics outsourced the customer service part of business operations. The need for Business Process Outsourcing is very explained throughout the course.The important concept of Factors to Consider for Selecting BPO Partner is clearly explained with the help of a Multiple Choice Question.The real life explains about the challenges and threats that the BPO sector faces.Highly recommended for organizations planning to outsource their operations to others.

The following are a few tips for efficient BPO Management:

•Know your target market well. Find out more about the tastes and preferences to meet your clients’ expectations.

•Know what is happening around you. Keep yourself updated with the latest trends in the BPO industry. Check out various business magazines, brochures, catalogues, newspapers for the latest developments.

•Set a budget for everything including fixed as well as variable costs and try to stick to the budget as far as possible.

•Take a short term course in BPO Management to make yourself well versed with the basic concepts of BPO Business Management and so on which would help you set-up and run the BPO Business successfully.

Who Should Attend!

  • Management Team
  • MBA Students
  • Managers
  • HR Department



  • Outsourcing






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