Buzzsumo (Advanced): Fast Track Training

Learn how to use Buzzsumo Advanced methods quickly and easily for yourself or business

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Buzzsumo (Advanced): Fast Track Training

What You Will Learn!

  • How to master Buzzsumo Advanced fast
  • Generate leads and sales using Buzzsumo Advanced strategies
  • Setup and run Buzzsumo Advanced campaigns in any niche
  • Master the Buzzsumo Advanced Manager


Buzzsumo (Advanced): Fast Track Training

How well do you know your competition?

Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Perform Intelligent Research With Buzzsumo.

Dear Friend,

How do you know what content is the most shared within your niche?

How do you know who the most important social media influencers are in your niche?

The answer to both of those questions is that you use Buzzsumo.

You need to have your finger on the pulse of whatever is happening in the world of social media. Why?

It’s because you want to know what content is being shared the most and by who.

This information is crucial because you want to create content that’s likely to be shared by others. A piece of content does you no good at all if it isn’t being consumed and shared.

Buzzsumo is a complicated site

You’ve probably been poking around Buzzsumo for a little while now. You can already see that it gathers a lot of information.

You can also see that the data collected can be beneficial to your business. The most challenging aspect of all of it is knowing how to act on the information.

That’s where we come in. We have videos that spell out how to make the most out of Buzzsumo.

There are many things this site has to offer that most people overlook. You’re paying a monthly subscription to Buzzsumo, and you might as well get the most out of it.

You can do just that by following along with our videos and learning everything about the site.

Become An Expert By Watching The Experts.

How would you like an over the shoulder view of an expert using Buzzsumo?

That’s precisely what you’ll have when watching our videos. You’ll see actual experts using Buzzsumo, and they’ll tell you how to use all the features.

Buzzsumo is by far not as complicated as you think it is. You’ll have a firm understanding of how using it will improve your business.

The first few days after watching our videos new windows of opportunity will open for you.

You’ll connect with more people and have a better understanding of the type of content people in your niche want.


Intelligent Research With Buzzsumo...

Connect With Influencers In Your Niche.

How do you know who an influencer is in your niche? You could search a social media site for days and only come up with a handful of influencers.

That’s not just a waste of your time; it’s also not very useful. The way you find out who is an influencer in your niche is by using Buzzsumo.

After you find out who the influencers are, then it’s time to contact them. You can also find people who share content in your niche and ask them to post yours as well.

You’ll be surprised by what asking someone to do can result in.

Make The Most Out Of Your Monthly Subscription To Buzzsumo

You’re paying every month for access to Buzzsumo. It’s in your best interest to know as much about it as possible.

Get the most out of your subscription by watching our videos. Buzzsumo can do quite a bit of stuff and the only way you’ll know everything it can do is by learning from the pros.

Get your money’s worth out of this fantastic service by watching our videos and putting the information contained in them to good use.

Sign up for this training today and make your future as bright as it possibly can be.

Course Description:

Most people do not know how to get started with all the Social Media products online today. With this Fast Track Training course designed to take you to the Advanced level, you will be up and running in no time using Buzzsumo to the Advanced level with confidence.

Buzzsumo (Advanced): Fast Track Training is a straight to the point, step by step training course to get you started immediately.

See the course subjects below:

Buzzsumo (Advanced): Fast Track Training

Section 1: Course Overview

1 - Overview

Section 2: Monitoring Part 1

2 - Monitoring Tab and Brand

3 - Monitoring Tab and Competitors

4 - Monitoring Tab and Content

Section 3: Monitoring Part 2

5 - Monitoring Tab and Keywords

6 - Monitoring Tab and Backlinks

7 - Monitoring Tab and Authors

Section 4: Projects

8 - Projects

9 - Projects - Part 1

10 - Projects - Part 2

Section 5: Strategies

11 - Use Strategy - Part 1

12 - Use Strategy - Part 2

13 - Use Strategy - Part 3

14 - Use Strategy - Part 4

Section 6: Live Examples Part 1

15 - Live Example - Part 1

16 - Live Example - Part 2

17 - Live Example - Part 3

Section 7: Live Examples Part 2

18 - Live Example - Part 4

19 - Live Example - Part 5

Section 8: Conclusion

20 - Conclusion

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginners to Buzzsumo Advanced methods
  • Internet Marketers, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Hobbyists
  • If you want to drive buyer traffic to your website, product or service using Buzzsumo Advanced methods
  • If want to master Buzzsumo Advanced methods and the unlimited income potential it has for your business



  • Marketing Strategy
  • Social Media Marketing






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