This is a short and crisp course which explains what is Financial Market concepts, and details the components of capital Market.
The Concept of various securities issuance are also explained like Equities , Bonds and Money Market.
The technical aspects of trade and settlements processes are explained with examples of SWIFT messages and process flow diagrams.
This course provides students with explanations on below concepts:
Financial Market
Capital Market
Money Market
The Capital Market components are explained, and this course provides details on below concepts:
1. Primary Market - Issuance of Securities takes place in primary Market
IPO – Initial Public Offering
Private Placements
2. Secondary Market - Trading after the issuance of securities happens in Secondary Market
Equities and Bonds Trading
The trade and settlements processes are explained:
Off Market Trade Processing
On Market trades Processing
The entities like Broker / CSDP / CSD / Stock Exchanges and their role in trade and settlements are explained.
The account structure for Client/ CSDP/ CSD are explained.
The SWIFT messages examples with format specifications are also provided which will assist you in decoding the information present in SWIFT messages.
At the End of each section a shot multiple choice questions are mentioned to test students’ knowledge on the concepts that was explained in this course.