CAPM Practice Exams - 2023 CAPM Exam Objectives

CAPM Practice Exams

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CAPM Practice Exams - 2023 CAPM Exam Objectives

What You Will Learn!

  • Practice questions to prepare you for the CAPM® Exam
  • Explanations for correct and incorrect answer choices
  • Questions matching the distribution of CAPM® ECO Domains
  • Scenario and non-scenario based questions are included


CAPM Practice by Joseph Phillips - Our CAPM practice exams are tough, tricky, and require an 80 percent passing score. Why? If you can master these exams, and I know you can, you'll be better prepared to pass the CAPM exam.

Our CAPM Practice Exams include 600 all-new CAPM practice test questions.

  • Shuffled questions for repeat testing

  • Explanations for correct and incorrect answers

  • Matched distribution of the CAPM ECO domains

In the CAPM Practice Exams, you will be challenged with 600 CAPM practice exam questions. These questions have been written to emulate the CAPM exam and are based on the CAPM exam content outline as provided by PMI.

In this course, you will have four exams in total:

  • CAPM Practice Exam One: 150 questions across all exam domains (230 minutes)

  • CAPM Practice Exam Two: 150 questions across all exam domains (230 minutes)

  • CAPM Practice Exam Three: 150 questions across all exam domains (230 minutes)

  • CAPM Practice Exam Four: 150 questions across all exam domains (230 minutes)

Use this practice exam course to prepare to pass the CAPM exam. Take each exam set until you can score 80% or higher. Repetition is the mother of learning! You can do this!

The tests in this set are timed, so you will know when you are taking more time than the official test allows. At the end of the test, you will receive a personal breakdown of the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly to help you continually improve. You will also be able to see an explanation for each question at the end of the test to help you avoid making the same mistakes when taking the exam. Are you ready to prep for your future?

Who Should Attend!

  • Those who are preparing to PASS their PMI CAPM® examination
  • Those who want to pass their CAPM® exam on the first try




