Introductory Topics for Social Work Support Staff
Social Workers and other Helping Professionals (Nurses, Therapists, Counselors, etc.) often enter the field ready to "Save the World" armed with undergraduate degrees, masters degrees, years of experience, and countless hours of training.
However, there is also a group of entry level professionals who enter the field in "support positions" (entry level Social Workers, Outreach Professionals, Community Workers, etc.), with the goal of supporting the activities of higher level or more advanced practitioners. These support staff sometimes have a basic knowledge of the human services field, but quite often have yet to be prepared with all of the crucial information they need to do the critical activities that they are often called on to perform.
This training series is intended to provide a basic understanding of some of the core concepts that may be commonly needed for Social Workers and others performing at this level within an organization. The topics are meant to be easily accessible and are intentionally brief, in order to allow for further discussion after each module with colleagues, Supervisors, Managers, etc.