Cat Body Language & Behaviour

Animals speak to those who listen

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Cat Body Language & Behaviour

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand cat behaviour to make daily interactions less confusing
  • Improve human-cat bond and increase your cat's trust
  • Equips you to take better care of your pet
  • Improve cat welfare and reduce stress


What is your cat thinking right now?

Are they feeling positive, negative or nothing at all?

Does this 'mwao" mean something good or bad?

Introducing the "Cat Body Language" Webinar. We will use scientific research to fill the gaps in our knowledge about why our furry little companion behaves as they do. Misinterpretation is common even amongst our species, you can only imagine the extent of misunderstandings between two creatures that don't even speak the same language.

Why should I learn cat body language?

Cat body language is an excellent way to assess if your cat is stressed or happy. Stress and poorly designed environments could lead to medical issues in cats like Urinary Tract Infections (UTI). Being able to understand & read what your cat needs at the moment will allow you to act quickly (e.g. if your cat is showing pain while using the litter box). This allows you to better understand the species you have in your home.

What results can I expect after learning this Information?

-Increased bond with your cat. Cats respect and gravitate towards people who understand when they are happy or when they don't want to be approached.

-Increased welfare for your cat. Cats are stoic. This means they are good and concealing pain. Body language will help you spot signs of discomfort and address it.

-A happier home for all, humans and cats alike.

The topics we will cover are:

-Human Bias that stop us from understanding body language

-Facial Expressions (in pain, positive/negative emotions, disgust)

-The meaning of Ear & Tail Positions


-Understanding context to read body language + Practical Applications

Who Should Attend!

  • Cat owners, cat care-givers, cat parents




