Acquire skills to gain jobs of CCTV video footage auditors, and business opportunities of CCTV video footage auditing.

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What You Will Learn!

  • CCTV video footage auditing and investigation using 'COM-SUR', the world's only CCTV video footage auditing software.
  • How to audit hours of CCTV video footage in minutes in order to gain actionable insights from surveillance video.
  • Forensic analysis of CCTV video footage using false colors.
  • New skills to start a business of CCTV video footage auditing and investigation services.
  • How to create audit/incident reports almost automatically in PowerPoint.
  • New skills to gain employment of a 'CCTV video footage AUDITOR'.
  • How to reduce data size hugely, and to create a cost-effective disaster recovery backup.



"See What the Camera Saw - The Footage Whisperer " is a groundbreaking world-first compendium that transforms how we perceive and utilize CCTV surveillance. This comprehensive guide/textbook of sorts transcends conventional boundaries and is essential reading for various stakeholders within the CCTV ecosystem. It not only outlines the challenges faced across 101 business verticals, spanning from airports to zoos, despite the presence of CCTV cameras but also provides practical solutions and guidelines for effective camera placements.

Get it from Amazon.


Welcome to the Advanced module of the CCTV Video Footage Auditing and Investigation course, an invaluable resource for both commercial and non-commercial users. This module caters to a diverse audience, including business proprietors, CCTV operators, system integrators, and individuals aspiring to become proficient "CCTV video footage auditors." Moreover, it offers exceptional business prospects for those interested in providing CCTV video footage auditing services.

Within this Advanced module, we focus on empowering you with the capabilities offered by the COM-SUR 'ULTIMA' version, the highest version of COM-SUR. Beyond covering the topics the Foundation module, this module delves deeply into an array of advanced features, including the remarkable false colors (forensic tools), which greatly enhance the ease, efficiency, and standardization of video content analysis (VCA). The Advanced module empowers you to investigate incidents that demand meticulous scrutiny of video, photographs, and images. While specific examples are provided below, most can overlap and are relevant across diverse verticals. Additionally, this module introduces a batch frame extraction tool known as 'RIP-IT.'

Furthermore, this Advanced module places significant emphasis on how COM-SUR makes it easier to join the dots when video is obtained from multiple sources, such as CCTV cameras, mobile phones, drones, and body-worn cameras. Its applicability extends to a wide range of professionals, including law enforcement agencies, defense forces, investigators, and teams focused on fraud and loss prevention.

Consider the act of auditing as the "Fourth Eye," a new perspective that enables a deeper understanding of crucial situations. Now is the time to unlock this potential!

Here are some compelling scenarios that underscore the importance of enrolling in the Advanced module:

  • Airports: Thoroughly investigating suspicious movements, left baggage, or items flagged by X-ray machines.

  • Banks: Delving into incidents of theft or fraud with meticulous detail.

  • Commercial Establishments: Conducting in-depth investigations into health and safety issues.

  • Educational Institutions: Monitoring the movements of students and school staff for security and safety.

  • Factories: Analyzing production lines and processes in minute detail to optimize operations.

  • E-Commerce Companies: Scrutinizing product handling and shipping processes to improve efficiency.

  • Hotels: Investigating guest complaints thoroughly to enhance guest experiences.

  • Hospitals: Ensuring comprehensive investigations into patient care and staff safety.

  • Insurance Companies: Assessing roof conditions, damaged pipes, and rigs with precision.

  • Restaurants: Maintaining the highest standards of kitchen hygiene through detailed scrutiny.

  • Retailers: Monitoring staff-customer interactions to improve customer service.

  • Resource Management: Identifying and addressing wastage, shrinkage, compliance issues, and operational inefficiencies.

  • Risk Mitigation: Proactively managing and mitigating security risks within an organization.

  • Root Cause Analysis: Uncovering the underlying causes of recurring issues for more effective problem-solving.

  • Business Intelligence: Leveraging CCTV audits to derive valuable insights and make data-driven decisions.

In this module, we also explore interesting use cases, demonstrating how COM-SUR facilitates the use of more relevant images for training AI and ML models, reducing bias and enhancing their performance.

The best part? You can acquire all of this knowledge in under 200 minutes! This course will empower you to unlock the full potential of your existing CCTV cameras through disciplined use of COM-SUR.

So, what are you waiting for? It's time to take this course and embark on a journey towards becoming a proficient CCTV video footage auditor and investigator. Enroll today and elevate your expertise to new heights!

Who Should Attend!

  • Police, law enforcement agencies, and defence forces.
  • Investigators
  • CCTV installers and system integrators.
  • Chief Security Officers, internal auditors, fraud and risk mitigation teams, loss prevention teams
  • Anybody looking for a job and business opportunity of CCTV video footage auditing.
  • Anyone who wishes to achieve optimal outcomes from video surveillance.
  • Anyone who does not want to leave CCTV cameras as 'Fit and Forget'.



  • Investigation
  • CCTV and Security Cameras






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