Management Information Systems (MIS)

Learn How to Integrate Management Information Systems (MIS) to your Organizational Processes for More Efficiency

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Management Information Systems (MIS)

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand the Concept of Management Information System
  • Learn How MIS Integrate functional Information System within Organization
  • Understand How MIS within an Organization Relate to External Information System
  • Understand the Various Applications of Traditional and ICT Methods in MIS
  • Be Able to Carry Out Data Protection, Security, Back-up and Standard System Function
  • Understand Ethical, Security and Control Issues as it Relates to the Information Age


This course introduces you to the concept of Management Information System. It details how MIS Integrate functional Information System within organization, How MIS within an organization relate to External Information System, the different applications of Traditional Methods in MIS, data protection, security, back-up and standard system function, ethical, security and control issues relating to information age.

In this course, you will be able to list the objectives of management information system (MIS), list the requirements for management information system (MIS), the limitations of management information system (MIS) and the characteristics of management information system (MIS), and explain management levels and hierarchy. You will be able to explain the sources of information in an organisation. You will understand how management information system (MIS) integrate functional information, and how management information system, MIS makes information available.

You will gain capability in classifying organisation information into internal and external sources, list the qualities of good information; explain how data and information are represented in organisations, and how MIS in an organisation relates to external information

You will learn how data processing methods operates, list the advantages and disadvantages of the various data processing methods, and explain the terms Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Electronic Data, Interface (EDI) and Electronic Data Processing (EDP).

You will be exposed to the concept of data protection. You will understand how data security operates and explain how data security can be achieved. You will be able to differentiate between hardware and software-based security. You will understand backup and its importance.

Finally, you will be able to correctly explain the concept of ethical issues of information age, explain security and control issues and the techniques used in overcoming computer security threat.

Who Should Attend!

  • Office Administrators / Administrative Personnel
  • Corporate Executives and Managers
  • Individuals Who Wish to Learn About Application of MIS



  • Data and Information Management
  • Information Security
  • Information Systems
  • IT / Technical Support






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