Certified Facility Manager (CFM) | Real Exam Simulator

Prepare for your CFM Exam. 200 high-quality practice Exam questions written with detailed explanations!

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Certified Facility Manager (CFM) | Real Exam Simulator

What You Will Learn!

  • Evaluate the candidate's understanding of the core concepts, principles, and practices
  • Assess the candidate's ability to apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills to real-world facility management scenarios.
  • Test the candidate's knowledge of industry standards, regulations, and best practices related to facility management
  • Prepare the candidate for the exam enivronemnt


The Certified Facility Manager (CFM) credential is recognized globally as a testament to your mastery of skills and knowledge across the entire FM body of knowledge. It is considered the industry standard in facility management certification and obtaining it is a pinnacle achievement. By earning the CFM certification, you gain credibility in your professional network, showcase your knowledge of 11 core competencies, and have the opportunity to grow as a leader in facility management. Joining the distinguished group of FM professionals who have also earned the CFM certification is a source of pride.

The CFM Practice Exam is designed for candidates preparing for the Certified Facility Manager certification. The purpose of the practice exam is to provide candidates with an idea of what to expect in terms of the exam questions and the computer-based exam experience. The exam consists of 180 questions and you have 4 hours to complete that exam, allowing you to review and test your understanding of the course material. To fully simulate the exam experience, it is recommended that you practice in a quiet room without interruption and take the exam in one sitting.

During the exam, it is important to note that it is closed book, and therefore, no reference materials can be used. Additionally, you should not eat, drink, or chew gum during the exam. If you feel confident that you can answer all of the questions after taking the practice exam, you may choose to take the actual CFM certification exam.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who is planning to pass Certified Facility Manager (CFM) exam




