This is practical certification for OD Professionals and Change Management Consultants. This covers the modern contents of OD practices. This will equip the learners with the modern OD practices with reference to change management activities in modern corporations. Most of the contents are related to Managing Change, OD activities, Managing Organizational Culture, Groupthink, Intentions & Realities of OD practices, Designing OD interventions, OD contracting, OD role in Strategic Change, Organizational Values, Situational Leadership, OD & its role in Power & Resistance, Stages of OD and finally Futuristic Focus of OD in modern companies. All such topics are covered briefly with practical examples and corporate stories. The Modern Corporations are looking for OD practitioners and Change Management Consultants. You will be able to learn all the basic and advanced contents of Certified OD practitioner. You will also be able to Understand the basics of being an OD practitioner, Analyze the touchstones of corporate success, Apply change management and OD models in modern companies and Comprehend the Change Management and OD practices for future organizations. At the end of this Certification, the learners will feel that they have a real OD knowledge, OD processes, OD activities, and OD current procedures in the modern companies. Welcome!