Instant Chakra Healing and Aura Cleansing

Heal and Balance Your Chakras

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Instant Chakra Healing and Aura Cleansing

What You Will Learn!

  • Chakra Healing
  • Understand your problem/s and others problems without them telling you
  • Diagonise which Chakra/s is/are blocked depending on your issues
  • Learn simple techniques to heal and balance your Chakras
  • Become aware of your actual thoughts and emotions and understand how they impact your chakras and your life
  • Learn to understand other people and their issues well without them telling you their problem
  • Go towards better physical and emotional wellbeing for yourself and others
  • Knowledge about all 7 layers of Auras
  • How to cleanse, activate, heal and awaken your chakras when blocked or unbalanced
  • How to know when your chakra is blocked
  • How to use chakras
  • How anatomy is related to chakra healing
  • Indepth knowledge of each chakra
  • Life Methods, Mudras, Beej Mantras with audio track resource, Affirmations in detail to activate each chakra
  • How to make affirmations and use them


This comprehensive course is designed to provide you with a deep understanding of the subtle energy system, the aura, and the chakras. The course will teach you about auras, aura cleansing and chakra clearing, helping you to balance and harmonize your energy centres, and create an abundant, healthy and vibrant energy field.

Course Benefits:

Money and financial security are closely linked to the lower three chakras: the Root, the Sacral, and the Solar Plexus. When these chakras are imbalanced, it can affect your relationship with money and your financial wellbeing in different ways.

For eg. an imbalanced Root Chakra can cause you to either hoard money or not think about it at all, while an imbalanced Sacral Chakra can lead to impulsive spending or guilt around spending on oneself. On the other hand, an imbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra can cause you to come up with many money-making ideas but struggle with taking action or failing to see financial rewards.

If you're looking to improve your financial wellness, then this is a great place to start.

In Instant Chakra Healing, you will get a live telecall where you can learn a unique method to clear and balance all your chakras instantly. This method is not available in any book or on Google, and you'll be taught personally by Dr. Tasneem H Ibrahim herself.

Total Cost of the Course along with the live telecall: USD 550


But wait, here's the exciting part! As a special limited offer, you get all this at the unbeatable price of USD 199! Don't miss out on this incredible chance of saving an incredible USD 351 . Along with this, you get access to the exclusive update group.

Invest in this course because you are worth it and start your journey towards knowing others without them telling you about it and yourself.

Whether you're a beginner or have some experience with energy healing, this course is perfect for everyone

So Hurry, JOIN NOW and avail of this exciting offer.

Who Should Attend!

  • Any and everybody who would like a better life for themselves, their loved ones and everyone else.



  • Chakra






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