We are much more than our physical body !
We all heard about chakras and we are aware than they can get clogged, stuck or blocked.
But how to clean them, how to activate them ?
There are so many meditations, techniques you can learn to do this. Some are complicated, some are not always efficient.
Here you have an opportunity to purify and activate your 7 main chakras in a easy, simple but powerful way.
Discover DNA activation codes coming from a Higher Guidance and experience a real, clear, noticeable change in your energetic field, almost instantly.
These codes are to be repeated phonetically out loud 3 times and trigger specific energy systems in your DNA. You have nothing to do, simply to repeat them and enjoy the process.
This is a routine to implement in your life regularly.
It will help you for meditation , yoga, self development, and for any healing.
Our 7 main chakras are our gateways to exchange energies with the outside world. To clear them is to clear our windows to Reality. To activate them is to activate our true potential and claim our right to manifest our dreams !
In this first part, we focus on these 7 main centers, and in the 2nd part, we will discover our underground and higher chakras, as well as our secondary chakras.