Challenging Behaviour Series- Verbal Behaviour

Challenging Behaviour Behaviour Analysis & Emotional Communication Strategies to Prevent the NEED for Problem Behaviour.

Ratings 4.25 / 5.00
Challenging Behaviour Series- Verbal Behaviour

What You Will Learn!

  • ABCs of Challenging Behaviour- Functional and Emotional Accounts
  • Verbal Operants- Communication of our feelings is a skill
  • Emotional Conditioning- How it occurs and ways to change it
  • Functional Communication Training- Communication is everything!
  • Capable Environments/Non-Contingent - Thick Schedules to help reduce the need for problems!


Title: Applied Behaviour Analysis: Understanding Challenging Behaviour as Communication

In this comprehensive course on Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA), we delve into the intricate world of challenging behaviour as a form of communication. With a strong emphasis on empathy and understanding, we equip learners with the tools to effectively recognize, interpret, and address the underlying messages behind such behaviours.

Verbal communication serves as a crucial technique in this journey, empowering individuals to express their emotions and articulate their needs with clarity. Through practical exercises and role-playing scenarios, participants develop their understanding of communication skills, honing the ability to guide others in describing their emotions and advocating for their requirements assertively.

A core principle of this course revolves around establishing capable environments. By creating environments that foster open communication, inclusion, and emotional well-being, we endeavor to prevent the emergence of challenging behaviours in the first place. Participants will learn how to identify triggers and implement proactive strategies to pre-empt challenging behaviour, ensuring a supportive and nurturing setting for all.

Throughout the course, we draw on evidence-based practices and real-life case studies to illustrate the transformative impact of ABA techniques on individuals with challenging behaviours. Whether you are a caregiver, educator, or professional in the field, this course provides valuable insights and actionable strategies to foster positive communication, emotional expression, and overall well-being. Together, let us unlock the potential for growth and harmonious interactions, fostering a more inclusive and understanding world.

Who Should Attend!

  • Parents, Teachers, Tutors etc




