ChatGPT Assistants Build A PHP Laravel Weather A.I Chat Bot!

Build a PHP chatgpt A.I assistant chatbot that tells you the real time weather conditions in any city in the world!

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ChatGPT Assistants Build A PHP Laravel Weather A.I Chat Bot!

What You Will Learn!

  • How to build GPT3 and GPT4 Assistants in PHP
  • How to use OpenAI ChatGPT Api's
  • How to use Open Weather Map API to obtain accurate weather information
  • How to integrate your own custom ChatGPT chatbot into your website


Dive into the world of artificial intelligence with our course "ChatGPT Assistants Build A Laravel Weather A.I. Chat bot!" specially designed for beginners interested in developing AI-driven applications. This course offers a practical introduction to building intelligent chatbots, utilizing the Laravel framework and OpenAI's Assistant APIs.

We begin by introducing you to "Betty," your first chatbot. Betty is designed to be your personal assistant, proficient in managing your calendar entries. You will learn the ins and outs of PHP, Laravel's robust framework, and OpenAI's Assistant APIs, which form the backbone of Betty's functionality. Through building Betty, you'll grasp the essentials of user intent recognition, natural language processing, and task automation.

After mastering the basics with Betty, the course shifts gears to a more challenging task – constructing a weather assistant bot. This bot is capable of fetching real-time weather conditions from any city in the world. To achieve this, we will leverage the OpenWeatherMap API, integrating it seamlessly with our chatbot to provide instant weather updates upon request.

Throughout the course, you'll engage with key programming concepts and learn to navigate APIs, ensuring your bots can retrieve, process, and deliver information efficiently. By the end of this course, not only will you have built two functional chatbots, but you'll also have acquired the foundational skills necessary to expand into more complex bot development projects.

Join us as we embark on this programming adventure to unlock the full potential of chatbots in the digital world!

Daniel McCarthy your teacher, a seasoned software engineer with extensive real-world experience, has designed this outstanding course to facilitate learning in artificial intelligence. Many of his video courses have achieved bestseller status.

Who Should Attend!

  • People interested in artifical intelligence
  • People interested in LLMS(Large language Models)
  • Software Engineers who want to build chatbots for their websites.




