I define well-being as lifelong mobility with NO chronic pain. My innovative safe and effective conceptual suction-friction release MASS-age methodology promotes natural self-defense medicine for lasting birthright well-being.
I define chronic symptoms as lifesaving intel alert reminders of deep deprivation-distress. Relentless aches, pains, inflammation, stiffness, tightness, etc. are your body's reliable reaction-responses to an underlying cause which S.O.S. SIREN SCREAMS too much "bad buildup blockage" due to deep mass fascial release NEGLECT.
I define Required Daily Needs (RDNs) to be essential H20, nutrients, exercise, rest, & rescue, a.k.a. Toddler Well-Being. These benefits "counter-oppose" every day usage and depletion of your deep mass elasticity lube, H2O, oxygen, fuel, and space. Absent "brush-floss-spit" fascia release lack equals subpar "bonded-inflamed-lit" whole body mass sick-care.
I started getting FREE daily mass Fascia Rescue® self-care on my floor in 2012 at age 48. My self-care discovery began when I learned "fascia crimps" and "bonds" daily in my mass. For 30 years I was 5'4" "stuck" in chronic back and body pain. In just 2 weeks of leisure application on my floor, I became elastic 5'5" strong and Gumby-like long!
Chronic pain resolution was my GOAL. Less varicose veins, cellulite, fatigue, anxiety, vertigo, sinus issues, constipation, and restored height were my BONUS. I used to be an old-frail-tired sack of meat and bones nosediving into decline. Alive with resilient daily thrive happened once I developed cumulative mass fascia release clarity and drive.
I apply my basic Body Mouth Link floor method to limit deformity, disease, plaque, tartar, bacteria, toxins, calcification crust, acids, etc. that daily accumulate and bond in my MASS. IF you never grasp that deep mass fiber surfaces endure the same daily wrath as your deep mouth teeth and gum surfaces, you will likely never aim to rescue them.
Ayurvedian Medicine confirms that if daily accumulation is simply "kept at bay", all CHRONIC aggravation, localization, spread, manifestation, and diversification SYMPTOMS will leave and stay away.
Sir Isaac Newton's "Laws of Motion" duly advise "accelerated forceful friction to a mass" to save mobility resilience. Newton's genius "mobility laws" got shafted when Einstein's "universal energy theory" burned them into reductionism ash.
Ancient massage is defined as "friction of a mass, or dough". Friction is "two surfaces that scrape-resist each other". *All "mass friction" potentials are 100% NULLIFIED with singular piecemeal tactics that use lotions, oils, and clothing by way of popular usual balling, rolling, stretching, icing, needling, etc., and standard massage.
If you leisurely scrape-resist-dry-drag YOU and your FLOOR against each other expansively for seconds-to-minutes, your own floor can decompress, deflate, suction-plunge, and tenderize deep bad buildup gristle out of your own whole mass. A clogged and bonded mass requires hydraulics suction to safely draw out toxins from the crevices on your deep bones. Toxins that float and flow can freely exit your mass through ALL of your "exit spout" pores, and also your slow exhaling nostrils and mouth. BONDED toxins will NEVER leave their warm moist habitat if YOU do not MASS-age facilitate it.
ALL body constituents, functions, and systems live under perpetual strangulated blockage siege in your deep mass. Qualified mass applications easily counter-oppose reduce-release neutralize for lasting healing and recovery.
Surripulation® (Së rip' ū LĀ shën) SURRender and manIPULATION MASS-age ignites your built-in Suction Release & Porous Excretion Systems to regulate comfort and resilience every day. Smash & Drag™ Self-Care is your floor method means. Whole body Fascia Rescue® is your no chronic pain "mass fascial elasticity" gain. Nothing else does the same.
Get on your floor with me NOW. I am genuinely excited to show you HOW. It is SO EASY you will daily pain-FREE BOW.
I thrive with daily resilience age 48 - age 58+ because FASCIAL ELASTICITY allows it. ANYONE CAN DO THE SAME.
"There is NO GAIN with PAIN; and your high tolerance to IGNORE and ACCEPT PAIN is your body's distress in VAIN". Your deep mass and mouth KNOW their whole truth. Chronic pain bellows reliable proof. Don't wait to FEEL GREAT!