Clear Your Acne Course - Module 1

Effective long-term Acne Management: Your guide to Clear Skin

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Clear Your Acne Course - Module 1

What You Will Learn!

  • Scientific Approach to Understanding, Treating, and Conquering Acne
  • Understanding Acne Triggers and Building Optimal Base Routines
  • Become your own skincare expert using intelligent and powerful routine builder and evaluator tools
  • Learn the science behind how to sustain acne-free skin in the long-run and say goodbye to disappointing and expensive trial-and-errors
  • Make better informed choices about your skincare routine


The Clear Your Acne Program is a comprehensive course designed to guide you through the process of understanding, treating, and conquering acne. The program combines active learning and practical application, featuring video lessons, tutorials, quizzes, and exercises.

The Clear Your Acne Program is designed for individuals of any age struggling with acne and related skin concerns such as hyperpigmentation and acne scars. Whether you're a teenager or an adult, a skincare novice or someone who has tried multiple products and routines without success, this program offers a comprehensive, science-backed approach to understanding and managing acne.

Why You'll Love This Program

  • Personalization - Find a personalized solution that works for your skin profile

  • Empowerment - Become your own skincare expert using intelligent and powerful routine builder and evaluator tools

  • Longevity - Learn the science behind how to sustain acne-free skin in the long run and say goodbye to disappointing and expensive trial-and-errors

  • Independence - Make better-informed choices about your skincare routine

Clear Your Acne Program was originally created for the Skin Bliss App - and also includes access to our advanced Routine Management Tools, such as the Routine Builder, Evaluator, and Skin Tracker-also known as Skin Journeys.

These tools work alongside the educational content to provide a holistic approach to acne management. You'll gain a deep understanding of the science behind acne and receive personalized, data-driven insights to clear your skin effectively.

Module 1 includes 180+ minutes of interactive content and exercises. You'll learn essentials and build your base routine for acne-prone skin. Identify and tackle cosmetic-related acne.

Module Structure

We begin with a one-week learning phase covering acne fundamentals, including identifying if products that you use contribute to Acne Cosmetica, and helping you build your acne-proof base routine. After that, during the four-week Apply & log phase, you put what you've learned into practice.

Understanding Your Acne Journey

Dive into the world of acne with our course introduction. Understand that acne varies in severity and type. We'll guide you through recognizing your acne levels and provide a tailored plan to address each stage effectively.

1. Different Acne types

2. What to expect from this course? 

3. Psychology: You're in Control

4. Common Myths around Acne

The Hidden Culprit - Acne Cosmetica

Discover the concept of acne caused by cosmetics. We'll help you strip back your routine to essentials, ensuring you eliminate potential triggers. Begin your journey of tracking and understanding your skin's reactions to various products.

1. The problem: Acne Cosmetica

2. Solution: Back to Basics

Crafting Your Personal Acne Battle Plan

Recognize that one-size-fits-all doesn't apply to skincare. We'll delve into the importance of personalizing your skincare routine, understanding your skin's unique needs, and the methods to test if a routine is truly working for you.

1. Personalize it!

2. Test like a scientist

Cleansing - Building Your Acne - Fighting Foundation

Begin with the first crucial step - cleansing. Learn about the importance of a good cleanser, how it can prevent and reduce acne cosmetics, and get recommendations tailored for your skin type.

1. Cleanser & Oil Cleansing for Acne

2. Bathroom Tutorial - Cleansers

Hydration - Your Secret Weapon Against Acne

Dive into the world of moisturizers and understand their pivotal role in combating acne. Discover how the right moisturizer can balance your skin, prevent overproduction of oil, and create a barrier against acne-causing external factors.

1. Moisturizer for Acne

2. Bathroom Tutorial - Moisturizer

Sunscreen - The Shield Against Invisible Enemies

Uncover the often overlooked step in acne care - UV protection. Learn how the sun can exacerbate acne and acne scars and the importance of incorporating a suitable sunscreen into your daily routine to protect and aid in healing your skin.

1. Sunscreen for Acne

2. Sunscreen Tutorial

Consistency is key

This is your final session before the next phase of the program. Starting with a quick recap of your skincare adventure, you'll explore shaping your routine.

1. Consistency is Key

Your Instructors:

Anamarija Bugarcic - Skin Coach & Skincare Expert

As a skincare expert at Skin Bliss, Anamarija co-developed the Clear Your Acne program with one main goal: To make the most educational and actionable program that's also interesting, practical, and engaging.

The biggest highlight of the program for Ana is the lessons that guide you through the acne management process, put control back into your hands, and help you set your expectations and intentions for your acne journey.

At the end of the day, Anamarija believes that the program is a step closer to being the best version of ourselves - both inside and out.

As a skincare consultant, Anamarija has been helping people find the right products and routines for their skin profiles for the past four years. She also has a Master's degree in Pharmacy.

Sophie Arana, PhD - Research, Development & Communication Lead

Sophie led the design of the Clear Your Acne program and has dedicated countless hours to unraveling the intricacies of skincare science.

She pours through research, dissects beauty myths, and listens to leading experts, all to translate complex data into practical, actionable advice for our users.

Her highlight of the program is the exercises that teach you how to best use the Skin Bliss app for picking the right product. While knowledge is invaluable, coupling it with our AI tools simplifies the process and ensures that the acquired knowledge translates into actions, ensuring users will truly see results. Sophie has a Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience and spent over 8 years researching human cognition.

Alba Botella Borras

Meet Alba, our former marketing wizard at Skin Bliss. Alba's creative spark shows in the bathroom tutorials of this module - blending practical advice with an engaging presentation style. Alba 'lent her skin' for science, bravely volunteering for multiple product tests. Her adventures in enduring countless rubbings and washings and experimenting with various products provide priceless insights into the real-world application and workings of different product groups.

Maria Otworowska, PhD - Founder of Skin Bliss

Maria is the founder of Skin Bliss. As the founder, Maria wears multiple hats. She's responsible for everything from programming and designing the app to developing new features and setting the strategic direction for the company.

Maria created the app to address her own skincare challenges, making her not only the founder but also one of the app's most dedicated users. With a formal background in computational cognitive science and a previous career in academia, Maria brings a unique blend of scientific rigor and personal experience to every decision at Skin Bliss.

In this module, she will be presenting a scientific approach to testing skincare like a scientist, combining her expertise and passion to contribute meaningfully to the journey of each Skin Bliss user.

For the whole experience and exclusive price offering, download the Skin Bliss app from the App Store or Google PlayStore and enroll in our program through the app.

Who Should Attend!

  • Individuals of any age who are struggling with acne and related skin concerns such as hyperpigmentation and acne scars.
  • Individuals of any age who would like to learn how to effectively build their skincare routines




