Microsoft Azure is one of the most popular Cloud Computing platforms with wide range of tools and services that are remotely accessible from anywhere in the world. It has never been so easy to integrate almost any kind of application with wide array of technology based cloud services, with massive scalability, elasticity, fault tolerance and cost effective. Currently, Azure is the fastest growing Cloud Computing platform, that is expected to overtake AWS very soon in terms of market share. So, if you are already familiar with AWS or you are just starting with Azure, this course could provide you comprehensive learning (with roughly 18 hours of content) on a large number of cloud services with hands-on practical examples on Microsoft Azure. You will be introduced to Azure in the first few sections, followed by a very detailed learning on various categories such as Storage, Database, Machine Learning, Security, etc. And if you spend your time wisely on learning Microsoft Azure cloud services, you could easily learn Azure in 30 days.
This course will provide you a complete coverage of Microsoft Azure, and you would be in a better position to qualify the skillset required in various Azure Certification exams. At the end of various section in this course, you can test your skills by attempting the Quiz. This way you could get prepared for real life scenarios and certification exams. You would be learning following Services in different categories:
Azure Storage- BloB, File, Disk, Table, Queue, Data Lake, StorSimple, Archive, Backup.
Azure Container- Docker, Kubernetes, Container Registry, AKS, Container Instance, Service Fabric Cluster
Azure Networking- DNS, Traffic Manager, Firewall, ExpressRoute, Virtual WAN, NSG (Network Security Group), VNet
Azure Database- SQL Database, CosmosDB, Data Warehouse
Azure Machine Learning- Computer Vision, Custom Vision, Content Moderator, Translate, Text Analysis
Azure Chatbot- Simple, Web, Facebook, QnA, LUIS
Azure Analytics- Stream Analytics, HDInsight, Lake Analytics, Data Explorer, Databricks
Azure DevOps- Boards, Artifact, Repos, Pipelines, Test Plan, Tool Integration, DevTest Labs, Application Insight, Azure Organisation
Azure Security- Security Centre, Azure Active Directory, VPN Gateway, DDoS Protection, Key Vaults, Dedicated HSM, Application Gateways, Sentinel, Information Protection
Azure Migration- Site Recovery, Database Migration, Migrate, Migration Project, DataBox
What is Microsoft Azure?
Microsoft Azure is a popular cloud computing platform where we can provision a variety of cloud services for various domains and application.
You would be learning concepts and methodologies with practical exercises. This course consists of multiple Projects on various topics.