Married to Autism? Find Connection and Ease

For Typically Developing Partners (aka "neurotypicals") in Mixed Relationships

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Married to Autism? Find Connection and Ease

What You Will Learn!

  • Students will have the information and resources they need to get results in their individual lives. Students who commit to the course and do the work will have a series of self-made materials they can use to impact their mindset and elicit positive change.



This course is for typically developing people (aka "neurotypicals") married to people on the autism spectrum (and those who aren't married yet or were married before). 

If you have autism yourself, come back soon for a course about marriage and relationships geared specifically to you. It's coming! 

If you're typically developing and your partner or spouse is on the autism spectrum, you're probably more than aware that there are very few resources available for you. This course is different. It was built with you in mind. I address autism within the context of what autism means for  you considering that you are now and always will be typically developing -- with typically developing needs and typically developing desires. You are who you are. 

You can't end your "typically-developingness" any more than your partner can change the autism. That is neurodiversity. Both partners are different and both partners are equally important.  

This course is designed to give you, the typically developing member of a mixed-neurological relationship, the education and tools you need to get results in your life. As you already know, I can't make impossible promises. You will always have a typically developing brain and your partner will always have a brain with autism. That isn't going to change. I can't "fix" the communication difficulties you and your partner inherently face because nobody can jump in and magically change the functioning of either of your brains. "Techniques" only go so far. They're hard on the typically developing partner and they're hard on the partner with autism.

So this course doesn't focus on "techniques." Instead, it does something more: it focuses on what you do have control over -- you

I'm looking forward to seeing you around! 

Who Should Attend!

  • Typically developing spouses and intimate partners of people who have high-functioning autism (aka "neurotypicals). This course is not for people with ASD.



  • Autism
  • Relationship Building
  • Marriage
  • Life Coach Training






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