Life Coaching For Results (Part III)

Determining Your Coaching Fees

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Life Coaching For Results (Part III)

What You Will Learn!

  • In this course, you will learn step-by-step how to determine and structure your coaching fees.
  • By the end of this course, you will be able to factor in all the components of coaching to calculate your coaching fees


In Part III of “Coaching for RESULTS”, you will examine the step-by-step process of determining your coaching fees. By the end of this section, you will not only be able to “calculate” your fees, you will also learn how to justify them. The formula that establishes your fees is based on the relationship between the Value and Cost of achieving a Desired Outcome.

There are five components that you will use to determine your fees. They are your Signature Program, your Coaching Program, how you deliver your Coaching Program, the Value of achieving your Desired Outcome and the Opportunity Cost of not achieving your Desired Outcome. Based on these five components, you can build a formula to calculate your fees in a professional manner. You will learn how to deal with objections over the fees you charge.

You will also assemble a generic Coaching Agreement that you can offer your clients. I will discuss in detail the various components of this Coaching Agreement, including a cancellation policy to end your relationship with a client in a professional manner.

If you want to succeed as a coach, you must treat coaching as a profession, just like doctors and lawyers. If you’re not taken seriously, then neither will be the value of your coaching sessions!

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone life or business coach who struggles with charging adequate coaching fees!



  • Life Coach Training






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