Coding For The Professional Non-Developer

Learn the basics of coding and the fundamentals of programming concepts using Python

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Coding For The Professional Non-Developer

What You Will Learn!

  • Introduction to computers
  • Introduction to programming
  • Data systems
  • Python


This course is for professional data scientists, data processors and GIS professionals who want to automate their workflows and speed up production.

No prior knowledge of coding is needed. All the concepts and special words will be explained during the introduction part of the course. Later more in-depth explanations will be given for more involved topics.

The last part of the course will be an introduction to Python with is a programing language that is commonly used in workflow automatization in a variety of software. Although we will be using Python as the main practical coding language there are examples of other coding languages used throughout the course. When you understand the basics of coding it is possible to figure out what different programming languages do even if you can understand it all making it possible to learn others.

Python is a good choice for a beginner coding language because it does not use a compiler it is an interpreted language which means that one line at a time is converted to machine code making an overarching program structure unnecessary although functions, classes and more can be used later when you are more familiar with its use and want to do more complex coding.

No software-specific procedures and functions will be covered because there is such a large area of the data market when python is used within other software that has its dedicated functions. This course will teach you the basics of coding. Even if you are not planning to use Python in the end.

Who Should Attend!

  • Non-developer professionals who want to learn programming to improve productivity and atomize thee workflows
  • People who want to learn the basics of computer programming




