Combating Workplace Violence

Protect Yourself and Your Co-Workers by Learning How to Recognize and Fight Workplace Violence

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Combating Workplace Violence

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn to identify workplace violence and how it differs from other forms of violence, such as sexual harrassment
  • Learn to identify who can perpetrate workplace violence, including recognizing prominent risk factors
  • Learn to identify the warning signs indicating the potential for workplace violence
  • Learn to combat workplace violence with training, planning, and policy
  • Understand the importance of reporting workplace violence and knowing how to do so
  • Learn to protect yourself and coworkers from workplace violence
  • Learn to promote a harmonious workplace, including through the use of verbal judo to resolve conflicts
  • Increase your workplace safety and health skill set


Workplace violence has been on the rise, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Tension and stress have risen both inside and outside of the workplace. Over 100,000 people were hurt in workplace violence incidents according to a recent CDC survey, and 750 to 1,000 workers lose their lives to workplace violence every year.

This course will take you through how to recognize the warning signs, risk factors, and triggers that could result in a workplace incident. We teach our students to know how to spot the behaviors that suggest a propensity for violence and how to implement actions and policies to mitigate against such violence. We show supervisors how to employ strategies to combat workplace violence across an entire organization.

The best way to protect yourself and others from workplace violence is by understanding what triggers it and how to nip it in the bud before it begins.

This course is intended to provide safety and health training in compliance with Federal OSHA and State OSHA training requirements such as CalOSHA. If you have questions, you may ask our instructors, and they will respond to you within a short period of time, as outlined by the OSHA standards.

The training will cover all of the required elements outlined in Federal and State OSHA standards to ensure that your training meets or exceed the minimum required training. If your training has a time requirement, the content of the training has been designed to meet that requirement.

The training is developed by our in-house, real trainers with twenty years of experience working in the field and with real crews and are trusted by public agencies throughout California.

There are no prerequisites required for this course. The course will walk you through all of the elements required to be successful and complete any questions or quizzes, or testing that may be required.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone working with others, and of particular use for supervisors, safety managers, security personnel, and HR workers




