Coming Full Circle--Free at Last!

Beyond Self-Limiting Beliefs & Habits

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Coming Full Circle--Free at Last!

What You Will Learn!

  • Increase in self-confidence, self-love, self-esteem.
  • Understanding how to eliminate emotional/psychological "baggage" limiting your life
  • Improving your most important relationships. Improving your relationship with your self.
  • Creating abundance and progress in all aspects of life--financial, emotional, physical health, social relations, and spiritual life.
  • See clearly how unconscious beliefs and knee-jerk reactions are sabotaging your happiness.


If you are one of thousands who has spent years lost in the “self-help jungle” and still not experiencing wellbeing, then cut to the chase, take the reins of your life, and once and for all, choose true and lasting change.

Kambiz Naficy offers you more than twenty years of his experience through a unique, proprietary approach called Coming Full Circle. In this program, Kambiz guides you in identifying the root of self-limiting beliefs, thoughts, and habits that are keeping you from experiencing greater joy.

As a meditation master and a guide to self-transformation, Kambiz combines elements of spirituality like Kriya breathing meditation, prayer, gratitude, and living in the present moment with proven psychological techniques for empowering your mind. Kambiz teaches you to first use Kriya breathing meditation to relax your mind; then, with a relaxed mind you can access your subconscious to release any destructive, limiting, unhealthy programming residing there.

Through a series of 7 in-depth lessons and video tutorials, Kambiz guides you through the process of cleansing and replacing any unhealthy beliefs with empowering thought patterns that allow you to break through in areas where you have been stuck. You can now reprogram your subconscious and break free in areas you have always dreamed of.

Coming Full Circle’s proprietary formula has helped thousands break through obstacles in their careers, relationships and personal health.

  • Would you like to be free of worry and anxiety?

  • Are you one of thousands losing self-confidence due to self-limiting beliefs?

  • Do you suffer from broken relationships though you seek intimacy and connection with a partner?

  • Would you feel better if you made peace with your past?

  • Do you suspect that self-sabotage may be limiting your income & wealth?

  • Do you sometimes feel like your own worst enemy?

  • Do you feel burdened by an addiction or obsession?

Who Should Attend!

  • All individuals seeking a better life through higher self-love, self-confidence, and self-esteem. For anyone feels stuck in any area of their life, who is seeking progress, wholeness, and wellbeing



  • Personal Transformation






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