In this course you will learn how to create a free blog on blogger. Blogger is a free platform by google, where you can create your free blog. write about your passion and share your knowledge. When you get some traffic from google then you monetize your blog by google adsense or any publisher company like Infolinks, Media net etc.
You also learn about google search console. How to create search console and add your blog to google search console. search console is a tool of google where you add your blog and google will index your blog for search ranking. In search console you will see all SEO tips and other important information about your blog. That how your blog performance. How much traffic get from google, how many clicks and which is your top pages in search engine or SERP.
You also learn about how to create google adsense account step by step. Google adsense is a publisher company by google to earn money online through clicks on ads. When your blog is approved once google will place ads on your blog and then some one click on these ads you will credit by google. The high cpc the more income. CPC means cost per click.