Most employers want Network professionals who have complete knowledge of Digital network security including the practical know-how due to the increasing cyber-attack in recent times.
Computer Security Personnel or Security Specialists earn an average of $77,667 per year. Digital network security knowledge is a must to have.
Undertaking this boot-camp will equip you with the following knowledge;
Build a secured domain network issuing digital certificate to all users
Build a secured domain network issuing digital certificate to all computers
Configure Key Recovery Agent to recover lost certificate keys
Build an Offline Root Certificate Authority for any Enterprise network
Build a Subordinate Certificate Authority for any Enterprise network
Configure Certificate Web Enrolment Service for any Enterprise network
Configure Certificate Web Enrolments Policy for any Enterprise network
Configure Network Device Enrolment Service for any Enterprise network
If you want to also get into the cloud computing space, this is a great start as well, especially if you work with on-premises servers or systems.
Your company will be looking forward to getting into the cloud space by starting with the hybrid style. In this case, some services or servers will be migrated to the cloud will some still remain on-premises and you will be required to manage them.
In summary, investing your time and money into this bootcamp will go a very long way.