Complete HTML & CSS Tutorial with Project ,Interview q&a

Covers Flexbox, CSS Grid, Animations, Responsive Design and More

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Complete HTML & CSS Tutorial with Project ,Interview q&a

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn HTML & CSS course from scratch
  • Learn CSS Grid and Flexbox Layout Modules.
  • Learn how to create Static web page and also styling using CSS
  • Learn CSS animations, transitions, pseudo-elements, gradients, and more


  1. Course Overview:

    This course serves as an introduction to the fundamental building blocks of web development: HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). HTML is the markup language used to structure and organize content on the web, while CSS is the styling language that controls the presentation and layout of this content. Together, they form the backbone of every modern website.We start with the basics of HTML: structuring documents, creating text elements, tables, and forms. Then we learn about semantic markup and creating accessible webpages

  2. Next, we cover the basics of CSS: working with selectors, color systems, and styling text elements.

  3. From there, we cover critical CSS concepts including the box model, specificity, the cascade, and CSS units.

  4. Next you’ll learn all about backgrounds, gradients, filters, positioning elements, working with transitions and transformations, and many other more intermediate CSS properties.

  5. We then spend nearly 10 hours learning how to create complex CSS layouts using Flexbox and CSS Grid. We then build multiple projects with complicated layouts.

  6. You’ll learn how to build responsive layouts that look good on all screen sizes, from large desktops to tablets and mobile devices.

  7. Finally, we wrap up the course with our massive final project that we build together from scratch. This project combines everything we’ve learned in the course into one huge website built with thousands of lines of HTML & CSS.

Who Should Attend!

  • Complete beginners with no experience
  • Students with some HTML & CSS experience looking to level up their skills
  • This course had interview q&a freshers who are applying for web designing jobs




