Complete Introduction to Jurisprudence

Making Legal Theory Simple

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Complete Introduction to Jurisprudence

What You Will Learn!

  • To gain a comprehensive overview of the philosophy of law and legal theory
  • To understand the intersections between legal doctrine and theoretical approaches
  • To understand law from the perspective of philosophy, morality, politics and society
  • To take an overview of the various theories of law proposed by philosophers throughout the centuries


Welcome to the Complete Introduction to Jurisprudence. Jurisprudence is sometimes described as 'Classical Legal Theory', or the 'Philosophy of Law'. In this short introductory course, we're going to analyse four major topics in jurisprudence: 

  1. Natural Law Theory

  2. Legal Positivism and its Critics

  3. Law and Society

  4. Critical Legal Theory

In addition to the some 2 and a half hours of lectures, you will also have access to extensive reading lists on each of the following topics, full access to the slides used in the lectures and two assignments.


In order for you to get a real in depth understanding of the content you have studied in this course, you will have access to two different assignments, a short assignment and a long assignment.

The short assignment is a series of basic descriptive questions to see if you have understood the content discussed.

The long assignment entails the writing of a full essay. There are two essay questions, of which you can choose one to write. The reading lists will be useful in your ability to truly understand the content here.

I hope you all enjoy and get something out of this introductory course examining one of the most interesting and important areas within both philosophy and law!

Who Should Attend!

  • Law Students and those who are interested in looking at legal matters




