Complexity Science:An Introduction and epistemology

This is an introductory course on complexity science.

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Complexity Science:An Introduction and epistemology

What You Will Learn!

  • Viewing the world through the lens of complex systems.
  • Being able to differentiate and interact with groups and individuals in different ways.
  • Being able to distinguish and understand the differences between groups and individuals, as well as their interactions with each other.
  • Have a comprehensive understanding of what kind of discipline complexity science is.


We have divided the entire course into four parts and will explain them in the order of increasing complexity (you can see the details in the summary).

Complexity Science: These two classes will provide you with a preliminary introduction to complexity science and use examples to explain what it is. It also aims to cultivate a holistic thinking approach. The course also covers content on chaos, which will deepen your understanding of various systems in real life.

Emergence and Patterns: This class will help you understand what emergence is, which is the mechanism behind complex systems, as well as what patterns are, which are the effects exhibited by complex systems. Through this class, you will build a preliminary theoretical framework of complexity science and attempt to explain some phenomena.

Metabolism: In this class, we will discuss the metabolism of systems. From this class, you will grasp the essence of complexity science and begin to understand the mechanisms of complex systems.

Evolution and Hierarchy: This is the most exciting part of complexity science. In this class, you will learn about the development and evolution of complex systems and connect nature with human society. You will experience the vastness of complexity science and trigger thoughts on the origin of the world.

Through these courses, you will acquire a holistic worldview and view the world through the lens of complexity. This will help you make wiser decisions and also contribute to your future development.

Who Should Attend!

  • Science enthusiasts who are interested.




