Level 1 Story 7, The Log Lot is part of the 68 story lecture series of the CompuRead Multisensory Reading Program.
It’s a story about Tot Hog’s little sister, Molly and how much she gets into trouble.
Molly is a very adventurous little pig and is always going to places and doing things that no one seems to know about. And this is her problem. She never tells anyone where she’s going.
One day Molly went on a walk -- without telling anyone. She smelled the flowers and talked with other animals. Along her walk she came to a lovely pond of cool water with other small pigs and enjoyed herself by splashing all around.
Two men came to the pond and found Molly. They wanted to make Molly into sausage. They put Molly into a small pen – a log lot, to keep her there until they could come back for her the next day.
Molly was terrified! “My last night!” she exclaimed. Molly was frantic. She ran all around the log lot trying to free herself to no avail.
Finally, and to Molly’s great surprise, Tot Hog arrived with Alley Cat, a friend, to free Molly from the hands of the men.
Molly was freed and arrived home to Mom and Pop Hog.
Again, the story of Molly and The Log Lot, emphasizes the importance of telling a family member where you’ll be…, just in case.
It shows to the young student why somethings in life need to be told to older children or parents to keep all family members safe.
The Log Lot works with the short ‘i’ and ‘o’ sound through sight, audio and writing activities.
The Log Lot continues with the following activities:
Writing, both with fiction and nonfiction to include understanding genres
Sentence construction to include helps for ‘Story Starters’ and synonyms
Word and sentence rhyming to include riddles
Expressive speaking and understanding about the question and exclamation mark in punctuation
Sight words
High and low vocabulary
Science background and Story Mapping, and
Fun activities to be done at home
Have fun with Molly and her adventures in the story of ‘The Log Lot.’