The Computer Defined, Data versus Information,
Classification of Computers based on how data is handled (Analog Computers, Digital Computers Hybrid Computers)
Computers for Individual Users or Personal Computers (Desktop Computers,Workstations, Laptops, Notebooks, Tablets, Handheld PCs, Smartphones)
Computers for Organizations (Network Server, Mainframes, Minicomputers, Supercomputers)
Parts of Computer System (Hardware , Software, User and Data)
Information Processing Cycle (Input, Processing, Output, Storage)
Computer Hardware Categorized ( Processing Devices, Memory Devices, Input and Output Devices, Storage Devices, Bus Interconnection)
System Software versus Application Software (Different categories of System and Application Software)
Input Devices ( Mouse, Keyboard, QWERTY keyboard layout and keys explained in detail, Different variants of mouse explained)
Other ways to Input Data ( Pen based input, Touch Screens, Game Controllers i.e. joysticks and game pads)
Other ways to Input Data ( Optical Input Devices i.e. Bar Code Readers, Scanners, Handheld versus Flatbed scanner)
Other ways to Input Data (Audiovisual Input Devices i.e. Microphones, MIDI, Digital Cameras)
Video (Monitors and their types, Video cards explained, Projectors)
Sound ( Sound Systems, Sound Cards, Headphones and Headsets) (To be added)
Printing (Commonly used printers, High quality printers)
Data Representation in Computers
Transforming Data into Information (To be added)
Devices that Affect Processing Speed (To be added)
Modern CPUs (To be added)
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Excel
Windows Basics
Storage Devices
Internet and Its History
Major Services Provided by Internet (To be added)
How the Web works ? (To be Added)
Using the browser to navigate the World Wide Web (To be added)
Search Engines (To be Added)