COMSOL Multiphysics complete course 2024

Quickly learn to solve multiphysics simulations from scratch in COMSOL. Solve structural, frequency, CFD problems...

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COMSOL Multiphysics complete course 2024

What You Will Learn!

  • You will be able to solve multi-physical simulations in COMSOL, understanding all its structure, process and physical meaning
  • You will understand the logic of Finite Elements to conduct different type problems step by step and from scratch, for beginners
  • You will become perfectly familiar with the COMSOL graphical interface to configure all aspects of the problem
  • You will be able to perform the geometry of the problem, the meshing and configure the necessary material for practical application
  • You will be able to understand what the boundary conditions consist of, what physical meaning the problem has and how it can affect the approach to the simulation
  • You will know how to simulate, interpret and verify the results, through correct visualization and good post-processing
  • You will solve different structural problems, with static and dynamic analysis
  • You will simulate flow physics, computational fluid dynamics and fluid-structure interactions
  • You will work with different modes of vibration for the subsequent analysis of the frequencies of the problem
  • You will be able to work with the main COMSOL modules to conduct simulations of all kinds
  • You will learn in a practical way, through examples that you can solve step by step yourself thanks to the course


This comprehensive course is designed for students, engineers, researchers... to be able to use COMSOL Multiphysics from scratch to conduct physical simulations in a simple and practical way. Never mind if you have no experience in Finite Elements or COMSOL, you will be equally capable of understanding everything and you will finish the course with mastery of the subject.

After several years working as an Industrial Engineer, I have realized that mastering the Finite Elements to solve physical problems today is something very necessary in engineering and is really sought. And in addition, the demand is increasing. Knowing how to carry out this type of simulation can give you many job opportunities and many economic benefits.

And as if that were not enough, solving these simulations in COMSOL will offer you even more advantages, since it is a very complete software that offers you a multitude of physical modules for simulation, such as structural, mechanical, frequency or CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)... For this reason, in just a few years it has become one of the leaders in the sector and one of the programs most sought by companies in the figure of the engineer.

The big problem has always been the complexity to learn that it requires, since its understanding is not easy. In this course I try to facilitate this entire learning and improvement process, and you will be able to carry out and understand your own problems in a short time, as well as their physical sense and the logic of the procedure, thanks to the step-by-step and detailed resolution of 5 complete on-demand problems in which you will master the main and different physical applications of COMSOL Multiphysics:

  • STRUCTURAL PROBLEMS: With this problems you will learn to carry out structural simulations and and will understand solid mechanics physics thanks to two problems; a static analysis of a wrench (stationari study) and a dynamic analysis (time dependent study)

  • FLOW PROBLEMS: You will be able to perform a CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) step by step through a laminar flow problem past a cylinder, and you will also solve another problem of Fluid-Structure Interaction

  • FREQUENCY ANALYSIS: You will be able to understand acoustics physics and eigenfrequency study, solving problems of natural frequency analysis of structures and beams

In other words, what I want is to contribute my grain of sand and teach you all those things that I would have liked to know in my beginnings and that nobody told me. In this way, you will be able to learn to solve different types of problems quickly and make versatile and complete use of COMSOL software. And if that were not enough, I will be at your disposal and I will answer all the questions you want in the shortest possible time.

Learning COMSOL Multiphysics has never been easier. What are you waiting to join?

Who Should Attend!

  • Engineering or science students/professionals who need to learn from scratch or improve on COMSOL to solve multiphysics simulations
  • Advanced students, PhD students or researchers who need to better understand all Finite Element logic to use it in their projects



  • Finite Element Analysis
  • Structural Engineering
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • COMSOL Multiphysics






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