iOS Notes App - Advanced Core Data, Navigation, & TableViews

Inject Core Data directly into UITableViews. UINavigationController, UIToolBar, NSLayoutConstraint, NSAttributedString.

Ratings 4.53 / 5.00
iOS Notes App - Advanced Core Data, Navigation, & TableViews

What You Will Learn!

  • You will create a professional & well designed navigation hierarchy with UINavigationController, UIViewController & UITableViewController
  • Core Data - Advanced & Basic topics
  • UIToolBar, UINavigationBar, UIBarButtonItem
  • UITableView DataSource & Delegate Protocols
  • UITextView, UILabel, UIButton, UIStackView + StackView Nesting
  • NSAttributedString for complex, customized bodies of text
  • Apple's Human Interface Guidelines.
  • Upload an App to the App Store.
  • NSLayoutConstraint for 100% Programmatic User Interfaces & Layouts (Very clean, fast code.)


Finish Your iOS Apps Once and For All.

Whether you are working on your own apps, a client's, or the company's you are working for, by building the iOS notes app with an emphasis on Core Data, you will be able to implement various features and capabilities into the iOS applications you are developing and plan to develop.

Core Freaking Data Boi.

After completing this course you WILL be able to utilize top Core Data features such as deleting, creating, and updating documents, NSPersistentContainer, ViewContext, NSFetchRequest and more.

Fill in more gaps!

You will also be able to implement various features around iOS development like UIAlertController, UITabBarController, Programmatic Auto Layout and more!

Watchu waiting for?

Start learning iOS Development and Core Data today.

Who Should Attend!

  • Intermediate to Advanced iOS Developers.
  • iOS Developers who desire a firm understanding of Core Data and how to integrate it seamlessly with classes like UITableView
  • iOS Devs who want to fill in the gaps they are missing.
  • iOS Devs who want a firm understanding of UINavigationController, it's VC Stack, and how to integrate custom, yet professional layouts that conform too Apple's Human Interface Guidelines.
  • Developers who want to learn Xcode, Swift, and popular iOS Frameworks like Core Data, UIKit, and more.



  • Core Data
  • iOS Development
  • Swift
  • Xcode






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