Corporate Climate Reporting: Key Standards and Guidelines

ESG and climate disclosure, carbon calculations, GHG reduction targets, climate risk management-SDGs,GHGp,SBTi,TCFD,ISSB

Ratings 4.45 / 5.00
Corporate Climate Reporting: Key Standards and Guidelines

What You Will Learn!

  • Climate-related risks and opportunities and importance of climate reporting
  • Overview of the climate reporting ecosystem and the drivers for climate reporting
  • Introduction to the key climate reporting standards and guidelines
  • Key trends in climate reporting


"Corporate Climate Reporting: Key Standards and Guidelines" is a short course designed to:

  • raise awareness about the impact of climate change on organisations, including physical and transition risks, as well as opportunities arising from transition to a low-carbon economy and the need for decarbonization and energy transition;

  • provide historical overview of the main drivers for climate reporting and the importance/benefits of climate disclosures for organisations;

  • navigate through the complex ecosystem of sustainability and climate reporting, including multiple standards and guidelines for reporting and disclosures;

  • inform on the recent trends in climate reporting including convergence of standards and emergence of climate-related financial reporting;

  • provide guidance on climate disclosures, tracking greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, setting GHG targets and climate risk management and governance.

You don’t need any prior knowledge of this subject, just an interest in business management, strategic thinking and desire to learn about solutions to the formidable problem of climate change.  However it might be useful to have completed the course "Every Company’s Guide to Climate Action & Achieving Net Zero". Other related course is "ESG in Executive Leaders' Agenda: Reporting and Analytics".

Please note that the course does not provide practical exercises for calculation of GHG emissions, setting targets or identification and quantification of climate risks, but we will provide you with the links to relevant resources so that you could dive deeper into the technical content if needed.  We will also provide you with the Handout Slides with the summary of main points from the course.  

I hope you will enjoy the course and I am looking forward to your feedback and reviews.

Please check out my other courses.

Julia Mariasova

This course is part of the "CLIMATE CHANGE FOR PROFESSIONALS" series which consist of the following courses:

1.  Key Climate Agreements & Role of Governments/Policymakers

2.  Every Company’s Guide to Climate Action & Achieving Net Zero

3.  Corporate Climate Reporting: Key Standards and Guidelines

4.  ESG in Executive Leaders' Agenda: Reporting and Analytics

5.  Power Sector Decarbonisation and Energy Transition

6.  Heavy Industry Decarbonisation and Energy Transition

7.  Transport and Mobility Decarbonisation & Energy Transition

8.  Blockchain Technology in Climate Change and Sustainability

You can find the links on my profile page - just click my name at the bottom of the course description just before the course reviews.

*** Always check my website (Shortlisted Productions) for the latest discounts on the courses and follow me on social media (LinkedIn) *** 

#decarbonization #energytransition #netzero #GHGemissions #climateaction #climateawareness #climatecrisis #climate reporting #ESG #reporting #disclosures

Who Should Attend!

  • Leaders and managers who want to understand the impact of climate change on their organisation and get an overview of the climate-related reporting
  • Professionals involved in corporate development and strategy, corporate reporting and audit who want to improve their knowledge of climate disclosure requirements
  • ESG professionals who need to get started with climate reporting
  • Financial services professionals tasked with the decarbonisation of their portfolios of assets
  • Management consultants who are considering transition to climate change advisory
  • Anyone who has interest in climate change, decarbonisation, risk management and business strategy



  • Climate Change
  • ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance)
  • Carbon Footprint Reduction






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