Development > > Data Science

데이터와 SQL 입문반(Learning Data & SQL for Beginners)

본 강의는 수강생이 Windows 10 운영체제 컴퓨터에 MySQL Workbench 8.0 (무료 커뮤니티 버전)을 설치할 수...

Ratings: 4.53/5.00     Lectures: 13  Subscribers: 109

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Feature Engineering Case Study in Python

Course OverviewThe quality of the predictions coming out of your machine learning model is a direct...

Ratings: 4.07/5.00     Lectures: 30  Subscribers: 109

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Domina la IA con Chat Gpt de OpenAi ( MasterClass Chat Gpt )

¡Amigos, tenemos una gran noticia para ti! En este curso, aprenderás cómo ChatGPT puede ayudarte a c...

Ratings: 4.04/5.00     Lectures: 14  Subscribers: 109

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600+ Data Science Interview Questions Practice Test [2024]

Data Science Interview Questions and Answers Preparation Practice Test | Freshers to Experienced | [...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 0  Subscribers: 109

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Sıfırdan MS SQL ile veritabanı tasarlamaya başlamak

Bu kurs hakkında;Veritabanı yönetimi ve tasarlanması ile ilgili olarak 0'dan başlayarak parça-parça...

Ratings: 4.13/5.00     Lectures: 85  Subscribers: 108

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NLU - Natural Language Understanding mit PyTorch und Fastai

Natural Language Understanding (die Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache) ist ein Teilbereich der k...

Ratings: 4.11/5.00     Lectures: 33  Subscribers: 108

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파이썬으로 배우는 크롤링 실습

데이터가 중요하다고 하여 관심이 있지만, 나도 수집해서 무언인가를 하고 싶다면 어떻게 해야 할까요?아래...

Ratings: 3.93/5.00     Lectures: 22  Subscribers: 108

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Data Science: Sparklyr Basics for Beginners

Embark on an enthralling journey through the world of Data Science with our cutting-edge course, "Da...

Ratings: 3.45/5.00     Lectures: 22  Subscribers: 108

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Doing more with Python Numpy

The course covers three key areas in Numpy:Numpy Arrays as Data Structures - Developing an in-depth...

Ratings: 4.40/5.00     Lectures: 33  Subscribers: 107

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Master Designing, Integrating & Deploying Enterprise AI Apps

Target Audience Machine Learning Engineers & Data ScientistsWhat is unique about this course &am...

Ratings: 4.36/5.00     Lectures: 33  Subscribers: 107

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TensorFlow로 배우는 심층 강화학습 입문 - Deep Reinforcement Learning

심층 강화학습(Deep Reinforcement Learning)에 대한 필수 이론 학습을 통해 강화학습 기초 개념을 탄탄히...

Ratings: 4.22/5.00     Lectures: 32  Subscribers: 107

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모두를 위한 ChatGPT Part 2 - ChatGPT를 이용한 데이터분석과 판다스 활용

ChatGPT를 이용한 데이터 분석과 판다스 활용방법을 학습할 수 있는 강의입니다. ChatGPT가 만들 변화된 미...

Ratings: 4.12/5.00     Lectures: 31  Subscribers: 107

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Alteryx TRIFACTA e NIFI: streaming e preparação de dados

Este é o tipo de treinamento que vai fazer você mudar a sua concepção sobre manipulação, tratamento...

Ratings: 4.86/5.00     Lectures: 33  Subscribers: 106

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DAX Decoded: Essential Fundamentals in Power BI

Ever wondered how to transform data into insights that shake up the game? Ready to unveil the hidden...

Ratings: 4.39/5.00     Lectures: 83  Subscribers: 106

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PyTorch 파이토치로 배우는 딥러닝 기초편

[강의 소개]본 과정에서는 인공지능의 기초 이론을 배우고 Pytorch를 통해 실습해 봅니다.Pythorch로 딥러...

Ratings: 3.99/5.00     Lectures: 22  Subscribers: 106

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