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Ratings: 4.01/5.00     Lectures: 34  Subscribers: 2103

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Advanced iOS: Volume Two - All projects updated to Swift 5

Note: All finished projects and source code have been update to swift 5.0. So even though some lectu...

Ratings: 3.65/5.00     Lectures: 59  Subscribers: 2103

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Curs Complet Python 2 și 3

Cursul se adresează începătorilor și abordează într-un mod 100% practic ambele versiuni de Python (2...

Ratings: 4.96/5.00     Lectures: 73  Subscribers: 2102

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Model Based Design: Build Embedded Systems with Simulink

Model Based Design: to be MBD EngineerWe will dive into the world of Model Based Design and Embedded...

Ratings: 4.78/5.00     Lectures: 24  Subscribers: 2102

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C Language || Matrix in C Language

Have you never programmed a computer before, and think or have been told that C is a good programmin...

Ratings: 3.98/5.00     Lectures: 19  Subscribers: 2102

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Java Collections and Generics for Beginners

This course is for anyone who wants to understand the concept of Generics in Java and how to use the...

Ratings: 4.33/5.00     Lectures: 28  Subscribers: 2101

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Building GUI Applications with Fyne and Go (Golang)

Many developers are intimidated by the idea of writing a desktop application, and this is probably b...

Ratings: 4.73/5.00     Lectures: 68  Subscribers: 2099

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Desarrolla de forma rápida APIs con FastAPI en Python

Este curso integral está diseñado para capacitar a desarrolladores y programadores en el dominio de...

Ratings: 4.66/5.00     Lectures: 35  Subscribers: 2099

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Bootstrap 5 ile Sıfırdan Harika Web Projeleri Oluşturun

Unutma! “Kimse senin dalgalarla nasıl boğuştuğuna bakmaz. Gemiyi limana getirip getirmediğine bakar....

Ratings: 4.67/5.00     Lectures: 78  Subscribers: 2098

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Pemrograman PHP untuk Semua Level Programmer (Dijamin Bisa)

Apakah Anda ingin menjadi programmer website? Atau apakah ingin menantang diri Anda untuk mempelajar...

Ratings: 4.39/5.00     Lectures: 38  Subscribers: 2098

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Ionic 3 Firebase - Become an iOS/Android rockstar developer!

This course will take you step by step on how to build an android and iOS applications using the pow...

Ratings: 3.45/5.00     Lectures: 16  Subscribers: 2098

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Statistics For Data Science and Machine Learning with Python

This course is ideal for you if you want to gain knowledge in statistical methods required for Data...

Ratings: 4.74/5.00     Lectures: 74  Subscribers: 2097

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The Complete Intermediate Android Masterclass

Android App Development will open many doors for you since Android is the most popular operating sys...

Ratings: 4.14/5.00     Lectures: 158  Subscribers: 2097

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Practical Guide to Web Development

Want to really understand Web Development but don't know where to start. are you overwhelmed by tech...

Ratings: 4.04/5.00     Lectures: 38  Subscribers: 2097

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PHP: exportar los datos a diferentes formatos

Incluye el eBook del curso. Por lo general es muy necesario exportar nuestros datos a diferentes for...

Ratings: 4.94/5.00     Lectures: 52  Subscribers: 2096

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