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Budgeting and Planning to Save

DescriptionI am Vathani Ariyam, author of this online course, Budgeting & Planning to Save. I kn...

Ratings: 3.68/5.00     Lectures: 12  Subscribers: 2

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Trading Opciones Binarias

Las opciones binarias son instrumentos financieros derivados que ofrecen a los operadores la posibil...

Ratings: 3.19/5.00     Lectures: 18  Subscribers: 2

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Reading Financial Statements

We can look up to companies as living organisms, like people are.So, as people, companies can get si...

Ratings: 1.00/5.00     Lectures: 9  Subscribers: 2

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Fundament Deiner Finanzen

Ist am Ende Deines Geldes noch zu viel Monat übrig?Wolltest Du schon immer Deine Finanzen in Angriff...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 5  Subscribers: 2

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Income Tax

Introduction of Tax Contents: 1. Reason of tax in past = war 2. 1% or 2% (before and after war) 3. T...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 7  Subscribers: 2

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Psicologia Financeira para Casal

O objetivo deste curso é te conduzir a uma viagem ao passado para entender de onde vem a sua forma d...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 6  Subscribers: 2

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Matemática Financeira, Contas Nacionais e Orçamento Público

Introdução ao Orçamento públicoO objetivo do curso é proporcionar, com didática, um entendimento bás...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 70  Subscribers: 2

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Portfoliotheorie & Portfolio Optimierung mit Excel

Im diesem Onlinekurs lernst du die Grundlagen der Portfoliotheorie kennen damit du die Zusammenhänge...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 21  Subscribers: 2

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Income Tax - Profit & Gains of Business or Profession

This Course Profits & Gains of Business or Profession (PGBP) will help you to understand th...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 24  Subscribers: 2

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Time Value of Money and Capital Budgeting Techniques

Hi This course provides a detailed knowledge about Time Value of Money - Basic concept about Finance...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 80  Subscribers: 2

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2024 Mastering CFA Level 2 : Complete Exam Prep Test

Welcome to the Ultimate CFA Level 2 Mastery Course!Are you ready to conquer the CFA Level 2 exam in...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 0  Subscribers: 2

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Cara Memilih Bunga KPR Terbaik

Mengambil Kredit Pemilikan Rumah (KPR) merupakan salah satu keputusan terbesar dalam hidup karena in...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 8  Subscribers: 2

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Fluxo de caixa para mei

Se você se pergunta todos os dias para onde está indo o dinheiro do seu negócio  esse curso é p...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 11  Subscribers: 2

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Educação Financeira

Nas últimas décadas, o tema educação financeira tem começado a receber maior destaque no cenário int...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 8  Subscribers: 2

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Saia das Dívidas e Organize suas Finanças

Quando o tema “saúde” entra na roda é quase improvável que alguém não o relacione diretamente ao asp...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 42  Subscribers: 2

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Transform Your Finances By Going Bankless

The world of finance is changing dramatically.  Over the next few years, crypto-currency will b...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 15  Subscribers: 2

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Aprenda a controlar suas finanças

O planejamento do fluxo de caixa é um dos principais passos para as empresas conquistarem uma gestão...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 7  Subscribers: 2

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Educação Financeira

Infelizmente as famílias e o sistema de ensino brasileiro não estão preparado para tratar sobre o te...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 25  Subscribers: 2

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La Bourse Pour Débutants | Formation Complète 2024

Mon père a perdu de l'argent en bourse, malgré les conseils de son banquier.J'ai donc voulu comprend...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 7  Subscribers: 2

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Financial Management for Business Leaders and Managers

Finance is one of the key aspects of any organization function. Every organization, be it government...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 22  Subscribers: 2

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