Lifestyle > > Beauty & Makeup

Eyelash Extension Retention

This course will teach you everything about the adhesive and how the environmental impact and many m...

Ratings: 4.61/5.00     Lectures: 5  Subscribers: 57

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Ácido Hialurónico: Esenciales y Técnicas de Inyección

Este curso acreditado con CPD cubre los esenciales para la práctica de tratamientos estéticos de rel...

Ratings: 3.91/5.00     Lectures: 7  Subscribers: 57

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INTRODUCCIÓN A Micropigmentación de cejas - Microblading

Con la ayuda de este curso virtual de micropigmentación de cejas, podrás aprender de forma muy didác...

Ratings: 4.65/5.00     Lectures: 16  Subscribers: 56

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Ratings: 4.04/5.00     Lectures: 13  Subscribers: 56

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Manual para una limpieza facial profesional

Curso muy útil para si eres maquillador, cosmiatra, cosmetólogo, incluso para realizar la limpieza a...

Ratings: 4.00/5.00     Lectures: 9  Subscribers: 56

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Fit forms for sculptured nails

The ability to properly fit forms is one of the most important steps of the stylist in sculpting art...

Ratings: 4.85/5.00     Lectures: 7  Subscribers: 55

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Dermatologie cosmetică

Cursul ”Dermatologie cosmetică” a fost devoltat inițial pentru specialiștii din farmacie (farmaciști...

Ratings: 4.72/5.00     Lectures: 112  Subscribers: 55

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Elabora Productos Capilares y Alisados como un Profesional

CURSO ONLINEAPRENDE A FORMULAR PRODUCTOS CAPILARES.Capacítese convirtiéndose en un formulador de pro...

Ratings: 4.31/5.00     Lectures: 57  Subscribers: 55

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Extensão de Cílios FIO A FIO

Seja a mais nova Lash Designer de Sucesso. Aqui você aprenderá a primeira Técnica, chamada de Clássi...

Ratings: 3.98/5.00     Lectures: 19  Subscribers: 54

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Maquillaje con Aerógrafo desde cero

¿Eres maquillador profesional o estudiante de maquillaje, o simplemente te apasiona este mundo? ¿Qui...

Ratings: 4.43/5.00     Lectures: 41  Subscribers: 53

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In this class you will learn how to color and add layers to your wig. You do not have to know how to...

Ratings: 4.32/5.00     Lectures: 6  Subscribers: 53

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Alongamento de Unha de Gel

Técnica muito procurada por Manicures e Designers para estar iniciando nesse mundo Nail então aprend...

Ratings: 4.18/5.00     Lectures: 83  Subscribers: 53

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Three Updo Hairstyles for Curly Hair

In this course Three Updo Hairstyles for Curly Hair you will learn fun and easy ideas that are perfe...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 10  Subscribers: 53

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Curso de Maquiagem Profissional

Descrição do Curso de Maquiagem Profissional:O Curso de Maquiagem Profissional é um programa abrange...

Ratings: 4.85/5.00     Lectures: 133  Subscribers: 52

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Curso de FreeStyle - Original Barber - Hair - Barbe

Nesse curso eu te ensino passo a passo a técnica que eu desenvolvi, você vai saber como eu me tornei...

Ratings: 4.84/5.00     Lectures: 8  Subscribers: 52

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The complete 2023 Microneedling Course Step by Step

Hello everyone! :)My name is Dr. Andreea Juc and I am happy to share with you my passion for this tr...

Ratings: 4.62/5.00     Lectures: 20  Subscribers: 52

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Preserving Your Beauty & Personal Care Products

Ever wonder how natural cosmetic products sit on the shelves for months (even years) without growing...

Ratings: 4.82/5.00     Lectures: 10  Subscribers: 51

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Перманентный макияж

Ты новичок или мастер перманентного макияжа и думаешь что ты всё знаешь?Авторский курс основанный на...

Ratings: 4.73/5.00     Lectures: 13  Subscribers: 51

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Amalgam Nail Art Course

Welcome to your Amalgam Nail Art Course!The meaning of Amalgam is "a mixture of" or "a combination o...

Ratings: 5.00/5.00     Lectures: 13  Subscribers: 50

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Makeup: Simplified Makeup for Everyday Women

" Beauty is power, and makeup is something that really enhances that. It’s a woman’s secret" - Charl...

Ratings: 4.75/5.00     Lectures: 23  Subscribers: 50

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