Personal Development > > Personal Transformation

Active Listening - The Complete Guide

Complete program on active listeningThis training contains everything you need to know to improve yo...

Ratings: 4.56/5.00     Lectures: 34  Subscribers: 5871

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How to Ignite Your Dreams

What dreams would you love to start living right now? Whether you are feeling like life is slipping...

Ratings: 4.42/5.00     Lectures: 14  Subscribers: 5871

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NLP Ninja Vol 1: Beyond Goal Setting - NLP Demystified

If you don't decide what you want in life..You'll end up living someone else's vision. You’ll disco...

Ratings: 4.33/5.00     Lectures: 17  Subscribers: 5836

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Etkin İletişim Becerileri ve Beden Dili - Sertifikalı

Kursumuz toplamda 2 saat ve 20 konudan oluşmaktadır. Her bölümün sonunda tekrar yapmanız ve örneklen...

Ratings: 4.32/5.00     Lectures: 22  Subscribers: 5826

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Change your mindset :Think it into existence

This is an exemplary course that focuses on key components and how to change your mindset to set you...

Ratings: 3.67/5.00     Lectures: 8  Subscribers: 5824

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¡Tu puedes mejorar tu vida!

Tu puedes convertir tu vida en algo maravilloso.Logra grandes cambios en tu vida haciendo pequeños e...

Ratings: 4.68/5.00     Lectures: 13  Subscribers: 5709

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Self Confidence & Assertiveness Training

We are the World’s number one provider of Self Development and Arts Therapy Courses, with more than...

Ratings: 4.05/5.00     Lectures: 81  Subscribers: 5649

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SELF CONFIDENCE Build 100 X self confidence and self esteem

Self confidence and self esteem are extremely important in almost every aspect of our lives, yet so...

Ratings: 4.47/5.00     Lectures: 59  Subscribers: 5564

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Topluluk Önünde Konuşma ve Etkili Sunum Sanatı

Kendinize yapacağınız en önemli yatırıma hazır mısınız?Yaşımız ve mesleğimiz ne olursa olsun toplulu...

Ratings: 4.24/5.00     Lectures: 15  Subscribers: 5507

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Emotional Intelligence SIMPLIFIED

Psychologists have been studying human behavior since long. After many years of researches, one...

Ratings: 4.35/5.00     Lectures: 20  Subscribers: 5497

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Transforme a sua vida através do autoconhecimento - Completo

Você tem vontade de descobrir o diamante que já existe dentro de você?Quer entrar em contato com tod...

Ratings: 4.45/5.00     Lectures: 94  Subscribers: 5493

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30 Tage für die Ordnung -Endlich ordentlich sein

30 Tage lang bekommst Du jeden Tag eine konkrete Aufgabe, die Du für Deine Ordnung umsetzt.„Besonder...

Ratings: 4.29/5.00     Lectures: 82  Subscribers: 5436

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Internationally Accredited Certificate in Art Therapy

This IAOTH, UK accredited therapeutic Art Therapy course will enable you to help an endless number o...

Ratings: 4.23/5.00     Lectures: 40  Subscribers: 5431

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Goal Setting for Success - How to Set & Achieve SMART Goals

This course is written and presented by a medical doctor with 20 years' experience in self-improveme...

Ratings: 4.23/5.00     Lectures: 39  Subscribers: 5429

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S.M.A.R.T. Goals Masterclass: The Complete Certified Course

Would you like to know how to set goals properly? And are you tired of setting goals but never reall...

Ratings: 4.11/5.00     Lectures: 24  Subscribers: 5410

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Healthy Habits 101: Change Your Habits, Change Your Life

"This course has been so useful in implementing small but healthy changes into my daily routine."&nb...

Ratings: 3.58/5.00     Lectures: 31  Subscribers: 5246

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Empowerment Life Coach Certification (Self-Care, Boundaries)

Students who complete this course will receive an official life Self-Care Coach CERTIFICATION from T...

Ratings: 4.51/5.00     Lectures: 97  Subscribers: 5227

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ForteMente - Desenvolvimento Pessoal

O Fortemente é um Programa de Desenvolvimento Pessoal todo estruturado com base em técnicas de Psico...

Ratings: 4.73/5.00     Lectures: 83  Subscribers: 5205

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Curso certificado de PNL: Conversación transformacional...

Los seres humanos hemos concebido la idea de que existen variables que están fuera de la gestión ind...

Ratings: 4.05/5.00     Lectures: 199  Subscribers: 5194

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Zihnimizin bölümlerinden birisi bilinç ve diğeri de bilinçaltı (bilinç dışı) dır. Bilinç zihnin %10'...

Ratings: 4.60/5.00     Lectures: 45  Subscribers: 5188

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