Personal Development

Sub Categories

Entendendo sobre Segurança do Trabalho

Neste curso vamos aprender como funciona a Segurança do Trabalho em todos os níveis empresariais, su...

Ratings: 4.59/5.00     Lectures: 19  Subscribers: 168

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Effective Communication and Motivational Interviewing part 4

This course is perfect for those wanting to enhance their communication skills both personally and p...

Ratings: 4.35/5.00     Lectures: 6  Subscribers: 168

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Seeing like an abstract artist

Abstracts are beautiful but where do I start?  In this course, I will lead you through a step-b...

Ratings: 4.20/5.00     Lectures: 18  Subscribers: 168

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Achieving Work Life Balance

An important, useful and interesting course relevant for today's modern world where both men and wom...

Ratings: 4.17/5.00     Lectures: 16  Subscribers: 168

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Signs Of Lying - Is He Really Mr. Right?

This course is for women who want to really know the man they are dealing with. Whether you are...

Ratings: 3.93/5.00     Lectures: 10  Subscribers: 168

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The Book Factory: How to Make a Steady Income Writing Novels

Want to learn my secret behind making 6-figures as an at-home full time writer? Becoming a prolific...

Ratings: 3.90/5.00     Lectures: 25  Subscribers: 168

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2024 Mentor Toolbox: Practical Guide to Corporate Mentoring

My name is Konstantin Koptelov. And I invite you to figure out how to become a first-class corporate...

Ratings: 3.49/5.00     Lectures: 34  Subscribers: 168

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Ludzie wiedzą, co w ich życiu jest bez sensu. Nie chcą głupiej pracy, za krótkich urlopów, za małych...

Ratings: 3.46/5.00     Lectures: 14  Subscribers: 168

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Spiritual Disciplines of the Christian Life

Do you long for an intimate connection with God?Would you like to know how to hear from God regardin...

Ratings: 4.94/5.00     Lectures: 72  Subscribers: 167

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RESTAURACIÓN DE MUEBLE. Barnizado a goma laca y muñequilla

En este curso de BARNIZADO A GOMA LACA CON MUÑEQUILLA (Furniture restoration) vas a aprender  a barn...

Ratings: 4.62/5.00     Lectures: 13  Subscribers: 167

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Guidance Counseling Life Coach| Life Mindsets (ACCREDITED)

INTERNATIONALLY ACCREDITED & CERTIFIEDPOBA Certificate: Guidance Counseling Life Coach| Life Min...

Ratings: 4.58/5.00     Lectures: 22  Subscribers: 167

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Curso de Excel Básico - Completo

O Excel é um dos principais softwares de planilhas eletrônicas utilizado para auxiliar nas operações...

Ratings: 4.58/5.00     Lectures: 70  Subscribers: 167

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最短ルートで目標達成!ikigaiチャートを活用し充実した【生きがい】のある人生を- 自己理解の探求と自己実現プログラム


Ratings: 4.57/5.00     Lectures: 79  Subscribers: 167

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Meet Your Higher Self

You will need to have an open mind for this course. Some of the ideas I express, you may not agree w...

Ratings: 4.54/5.00     Lectures: 43  Subscribers: 167

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Curso de Transformador de Corrente

O curso de transformador de corrente foi criado para especializar os profissionais da área de elétri...

Ratings: 4.48/5.00     Lectures: 15  Subscribers: 167

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