Personal Development

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El arco del personaje

El arco de transformación de un personaje hace referencia a la evolución que experimenta un personaj...

Ratings: 4.91/5.00     Lectures: 23  Subscribers: 20

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Медитация Костоправа. Ступень I: Дыхание Костоправа

Курс теории и упражнения на ускоренное и более эффективное восстановление после тяжёлой физической р...

Ratings: 4.90/5.00     Lectures: 18  Subscribers: 20

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Entrenamiento para Liberar el Estrés

Dada la situación actual en la que cada vez es más común sentirnos estresados y con mil preocupacion...

Ratings: 4.89/5.00     Lectures: 10  Subscribers: 20

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Selbstvertrauen aufbauen durch Radikale Selbstverbesserung

Dieser Kurs ist für jeden der sein Leben selbst leben möchte. Wir lassen uns nur allzu gerne kontrol...

Ratings: 4.88/5.00     Lectures: 8  Subscribers: 20

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Faith Foundations - The Key To Receiving From God

’Faith Foundations’ is your go-to resource for living out your faith and having a fruitful and proac...

Ratings: 4.86/5.00     Lectures: 11  Subscribers: 20

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Quality Supervision for Quality Practice

The quality of supervision can be the key determining factor between good and bad practice and betwe...

Ratings: 4.86/5.00     Lectures: 9  Subscribers: 20

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Mastering Productivity, Time Management, and Goal Setting

This comprehensive course, "Mastering Productivity, Time Management, and Goal Setting: Unlock Your F...

Ratings: 4.85/5.00     Lectures: 33  Subscribers: 20

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Little Green Men: The Search for Life Beyond Earth

The age-old question, “Are we alone?” This lesson explores the steps humanity has taken to try and a...

Ratings: 4.83/5.00     Lectures: 12  Subscribers: 20

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El poder práctico del Storytelling

Descubre el arte del storytelling efectivo con este curso intensivo, especialmente diseñado para emp...

Ratings: 4.80/5.00     Lectures: 54  Subscribers: 20

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Резюме, сопроводительное письмо и собеседование in English

Дорогие друзья!Перед вами уникальный курс, написание которого у меня занято более полугода. Я исполь...

Ratings: 4.78/5.00     Lectures: 20  Subscribers: 20

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Adopt The Genius Mindset of Anyone You Choose

ADOPT A GENIUS OF YOUR VERY OWN!Based upon your personal preferences, you get to choose what Genius...

Ratings: 4.77/5.00     Lectures: 17  Subscribers: 20

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Chaves Arcturianas - Realinhamento de Sinergia de Cura

Estas Chaves estão sendo dadas a nós por um grupo de seres chamados de “Anciãos Arcturianos”. Eles n...

Ratings: 4.76/5.00     Lectures: 50  Subscribers: 20

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Sikernap 3.0 - 60 napos átváltozás program

SIKERNAP 3.0Ez a sikernap egy különleges esemény volt. Itt nem csak az előadást, hanem még 60 tovább...

Ratings: 4.76/5.00     Lectures: 67  Subscribers: 20

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Be Maker 13. Elettronica e Robotica per Ragazzi con Arduino.

Cosa imparerete dal Modulo n. 13 del Corso Be Maker:ORTOTICA- Tenere sotto controllo l’umidità del t...

Ratings: 4.75/5.00     Lectures: 6  Subscribers: 20

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Solve any problem in 3 simple steps

This short course teaches you three simple, yet unconventional steps to solve any problem, by lookin...

Ratings: 4.73/5.00     Lectures: 24  Subscribers: 20

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