Ultrasonic Inspection is a very interesting field covering a huge number of applications in almost a...
Ratings: 4.77/5.00 Lectures: 7 Subscribers: 66
اهلا بكم في كورس العلاقات الهندسية بين الطبقات والظاهرات الTopologyيتكون الكورس من عدة أجزاء منها ال...
Ratings: 4.71/5.00 Lectures: 41 Subscribers: 66
Aprenda de forma rápida, prática e segura sobre os assuntos que tangem o Projetos Elétricos Residenc...
Ratings: 4.69/5.00 Lectures: 34 Subscribers: 66
By the end of this course, you will be able to design A Membrane Bioreactor system for a given water...
Ratings: 4.21/5.00 Lectures: 6 Subscribers: 66
Climate changes have gradually changed the map of precipitation in the world, and it is still in a s...
Ratings: 4.01/5.00 Lectures: 17 Subscribers: 66
This is the right course for engineers, who want to make a career in the field of substation design...
Ratings: 3.97/5.00 Lectures: 40 Subscribers: 66
On the occasion of the opening of METCS Academy, we are offering the first free scholarship for the...
Ratings: 3.71/5.00 Lectures: 19 Subscribers: 66
So, first of all, thank you for coming, we are glad to see you here. Relax, open your mind and yes,...
Ratings: 3.67/5.00 Lectures: 27 Subscribers: 66
Você conhece a Tecnologia Carl ZEISS GOM Metrology, de sistemas de medição por coordenadas...
Ratings: 4.77/5.00 Lectures: 9 Subscribers: 65
Este curso é destinado a você que quer aprender a fazer um projeto fotovoltaico...
Ratings: 4.59/5.00 Lectures: 22 Subscribers: 65
This course aims to fulfill the following points :- يهدف هذا الكورس لتغطية الاجزاء الاتية Lighting S...
Ratings: 4.32/5.00 Lectures: 22 Subscribers: 65
Ratings: 4.23/5.00 Lectures: 5 Subscribers: 65
Este curso es una introducción al software Abaqus, que está diseñada para que los estudiantes, los i...
Ratings: 3.95/5.00 Lectures: 21 Subscribers: 65
Mastercam yazılımı dünyada en kolay arayüze sahip ve en kolay öğrenilen yazılım olma özelliğini koru...
Ratings: 3.37/5.00 Lectures: 301 Subscribers: 65
Der Online Kurs besteht aus einer Zusammenfassung aus den Kursen "Elektronische Bauelemente" und "Pr...
Ratings: 3.09/5.00 Lectures: 48 Subscribers: 65